Generates all possible permutations of the input array or string using Heap's algorithm, which minimizes movement.
In a terminal or command line navigated to your project folder:
npm install permutations.ahk
You may also review or copy the library from ./export.ahk on GitHub
In your code:
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\node_modules#Include permutations.ahk\export.ahk result := permutations.generate("ahk"); => [["a","h","k"], ["h","a","k"], ["k","a","h"], ["a","k","h"], ["h","k","a"], ["k","h","a"]] result := permutations.generate("ahk", true); => ["ahk", "hak", "kah", "akh", "hka", "kha"] result := permutations.generate(["Auto", "Hot", "key"], true); => ["AutoHotkey", "HotAutokey", "keyAutoHot", "AutokeyHot", "HotkeyAuto", "keyHotAuto"] result := permutations.generate("AutoHotkey", true, 3); => ["AutoHotkey", "uAtoHotkey", "tAuoHotkey"]
Including the module provides an object with one method: .generate
generate(array, [stringOut, maxPermutations])
Returns an array containing all possible permutations.
- array (*): The array or string to find permutations of
- stringOut (bool): Optional, whether or not not elements of the return array should be combined into strings. Default is false meaning the result will be an array of arrays.
- maxPermutations (number): Optional, whether or not the number of permutations should be capped. This may be useful when dealing with a number of permutations that would otherwise take an excessive ammount of time to compute.
(array): An array containing all permutations.