CDK construct to set log retention on CloudWatch log groups over multiple AWS regions. Usefull to fullfill compliance requirements also for dynamically generated log groups worldwide (e.g. by Lambda@Edge).
npm install --save patch-log-group-multi-region
yarn add patch-log-group-multi-region
Add the construct to your stack like in the following example:
new PatchLogGroups(stack, "PatchLogGroups", {
regions: ["eu-west-1", "eu-central-1"],
schedule: aws_events.Schedule.cron({
minute: "0",
hour: "0",
new PatchLogGroups(stack, "PatchLogGroups", {
regions: ["eu-west-1", "eu-central-1"], // List of AWS regions in which the function should run
schedule: aws_events.Schedule.cron({ minute: "0", hour: "0" }), // Schedule event for the event rule
retentionInDays: 30, // Number of days to which log retention should be set.
logGroupNamePrefix: "aws/lambda", // Prefix for log group names that should be effected.
logsResources: [
], // Resource ARNs to add to the Lambda execution role policy statement.