Passport strategy for carecloud authentication.
This module lets you authenticate with CareCloud in your Node.js applications. By plugging into Passport, CareCloud authentication can be easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or framework that supports Connect-style middleware, including Express.
Before using passport-carecloud, you must register an OAuth2 application with CareCloud, you'll need the the following information:
- Application Name
- Redirect URI
- Application Description
- Application Scope/Roles
Your application will be issued an API Key and a Secret Key. These are required in order to authenticate your app with CareCloud
The OAuth 2.0 spec describes a number of grants (“methods”) your application can implement to acquire an access token, Authorization Code grant and Resource Owner Password Credentials grant, the first one is the suggested and recommended by CareCloud if your application doesn´t need user credentials unlike the second one . Visit the CareCloud OAuth Guide for more information.