
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Passport strategy for authenticating with Authentiq via OpenID Connect, an identity layer built on top of OAuth 2.0.

This module lets you authenticate without passwords using Authentiq ID in your Node.js applications. By plugging into Passport, Authentiq authentication can be easily and unobtrusively integrated into any application or framework that supports Connect-style middleware, including Express.


npm install passport passport-authentiq


Create an Application

Before using passport-authentiq, you must register an application with Authentiq. If you have not already done so, a new application can be created at the Authentiq Dashboard.

Your application will be issued a Client ID and Client Secret, that need to be provided to the strategy. You will also need to configure a callback URL which matches the route in your application.

Configure Strategy

To configure the strategy the clientID and clientSecret obtained previously need to be supplied as parameters.

The callbackURL is the URL to which Authentiq will redirect the user after granting authorization.

The scope parameter specifies what identity claims to request from the user. Valid scopes include aq:name, email, phone, address, and aq:location. The openid scope is added automatically. Appending ~rs to the email or phone scope to ensure those claims are always verified.

var AuthentiqStrategy = require('passport-authentiq').Strategy;
passport.use(new AuthentiqStrategy({
    clientID: 'Authentiq Client ID',
    clientSecret: 'Authentiq Client Secret',
    callbackURL: 'https://website.example/auth/authentiq/callback',
    scope: ['aq:name', 'email~rs', 'phone']
function (iss, sub, profile, done) {
    // Persist or update user locally.
    return done(err, user);

The strategy will call the provided verify callback identity information received form the authorization server.

In the above example, the callback accepts iss, sub and the profile of the user, but there are several other callback signatures available:

    function (iss, sub, profile, jwtClaims, accessToken, refreshToken, params, done)
    function (iss, sub, profile, accessToken, refreshToken, params, done)
    function (iss, sub, profile, accessToken, refreshToken, done)
    function(iss, sub, profile, done)
    function(iss, sub, done)

The callback must call done to complete the authentication.

Authenticate Requests

Use passport.authenticate(), specifying the authentiq strategy, to authenticate requests.

For example, as route middleware in an Express application:

app.get('/auth/authentiq', passport.authenticate('authentiq'));
    passport.authenticate('authentiq', {
        successRedirect: '/signed-in',
        failureRedirect: '/error'

See here for a boilerplate Express application. You will need the following dependencies

npm install express express-session



The test suite is located in the test/ directory. All new features are expected to have corresponding test cases. Ensure that the complete test suite passes by executing:

make test


make test-cov
make view-cov


The MIT License

© 2017 Authentiq

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  • skion