This library is a replacement of parcel native Typescript support. It extends functionality by providing additional languague features, like translations or unique identifiers
Translations make use of redundant unused escape character \i (backslash i). All you have to do is to tag a string that has to be translated with sequence \i:
const someText = "\i:That text will be translated";
During compilation that will automatically add unique identifier for that text and will save that text to a translations.json file.
NOTE: If you'll want to port this way of translations use a name 'tsmLang' for it.
File translations.json
In order to be able to use translations you have to place translations.json file in root directory of your project. At minimum file has to contain an empty object.
"default": "en" // a languague for strings in your code "languages": // a list of languages that you expect your app or lib to be translated to "pl" "de" "es"
ISO639 is used as standard for languague encoding
Compilation with selected languague
Currently only static compilation is supported and that means that for every app you'll have separate executables with statically included translations. To select languague you have to set envirionment variable TSM_LANG to desired languague code.
TSM_LANG=es parcel src-fe/index.html --out-dir dst/fe-dev
You can also get a languague code in your source code by placing \i\l: at begining of string:
const langCode = '\i\l:';
Fixed enumeration
If you need numbers automaticly assigned to enumeration elements in a way that they will not change their value upon adding or removal or order change of enumeration elements then add something like this to your enum code:
// @tsm fixed:enum MyEnumeration SOMETHING
You can also define optionally a direction of numbering and starting number:
// @tsm fixed: positive 5enum MyEnumeration1 SOMETHING // @tsm fixed: negativeenum MyEnumeration2 SOMETHING
Starting number is automatically updated and always points next value that will be used upon adding new element. Starting number can be also passed to selected enumeration element:
Fixed enumeration for variables and constants
Fixed enumeration works also for constants and variables, in this case every element with "NaN" value will be assigned automatically a new value
// @tsm fixed: negative -5 ERROR__$COUNTconst ERROR__$COUNT = -5 ERROR__SUCCESS = NaN ERROR__NOT_IMPLEMENTED = -1 ERROR__FAIL = -2;