🐼 Panda Common Controls + TS
This library is basically the same as the panda-common-controls, but with a little more TypeScript and a little less Babel... actually is all TypeScript and zero Babel.
So in resume, it is the same but different and still the same.
This library came out as a personal project to create a list of reusable components and also as a test to build my first public module to use with NPM.
It contains some "fancy looking" components like:
- Animations
- Badges
- Button
- Calendar
- Card
- Checkbox
- Dropdown List
- Graphs
- Icons
- Menus Layout
- Modals
- RadioButton
- Tabs
- TextBox (an input tag with a little more functionality)
- Toast Notifications
- ToolTip
These components where created using the styled-componets library.
You can see them in action here.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
NOTE: In order to use these components you will need to install the styled-components
and styled-theming
npm install --save styled-components styled-theming
To install this module using npm just run this command:
npm install --save panda-common-controls
This will install the following files into your project:
├── lib
| ├── animations
| | └── animations.js
| ├── badges
| | └── badges.js
| ├── buttons
| | └── buttons.js
| ├── calendar
| | ├── calendar.js
| | ├── month.js
| | ├── months.js
| | └── years.js
| ├── cards
| | └── cards.js
| ├── checkboxes
| | └── checkboxes.js
| ├── dropdownlists
| | └── dropdownlists.js
| ├── graphs
| | └── graphs.js
| ├── icons
| | └── icons.js
| ├── menus
| | └── menus.js
| ├── modals
| | └── modals.js
| ├── radiobuttons
| | └── radiobuttons.js
| ├── tabs
| | └── tabs.js
| ├── textboxes
| | └── textboxes.js
| ├── toastnotifications
| | └── toastnotifications.js
| └── tooltip
| └── tooltip.js
├── index.js
├── package.json
└── README.md
For a complete list of the files, including a running examples and tests, you can check the GitHub repository.
Basic usage
- Animations
- Badges
- Buttons
- Calendar
- Cards
- CheckBoxes
- DropDown Lists
- Graphs
- Icons
- Menus
- Modals
- RadioButtons
- Tabs
- TextBoxes
- Toast Notifications
- ToolTip
You can clone the repository, start it and check the meta-storybook page to see some of the components in action.
**To clone it**
git clone https://github.com/pecadorcelestial/panda-common-controls.git
**To start it**
npm start
Running the tests
The test where build using Jest and Enzyme, to run them just copy the repository and type:
npm test
This includes the coverage command.
Built With
- TypeSript - For all that sweet typed coding... mmm...
- styled-componets - For visuals and animations.
- Jest - Testing sandbox.
- Enzyme - JS testing utility.
- Francisco Rodríguez - Initial work - GitHub
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- These components are highly inspired by the React-MDL library.
- The font awesome by Dave Gandy is used... it really is awesome.