
4.0.1 • Public • Published



Tool to configure, setup, build and publish npm plugins.


First setup a new project with npm init or by manually creating a package.json and then add this tool to the project.

npm i --save-dev padua

Alternatively, you can start with various templates:

npm init now padua ./my-plugin [template]

Replace [template] with one of the following available templates: default, node, react, typescript, react-typescript, test or cli.


Upon installation a start and test script along with the necessary configuration have already been added to your package.json unless they already existed.

npm start

Builds the plugin in watch mode. Full command npx padua watch [--clean].

npm test

Run tests if there are any.

npx padua build

Builds the plugin minified for distribution including types.

npx padua lint

Lints the code and prints errors.

npx padua release

📦 Much simpler: Check out release-npm-action to automate releasing to npm.

  • Build if necessary
  • Checks if owner logged in
  • Automatically detects first release
  • Bumps version otherwise
  • Creates a release tag and changelog
  • Pushes tag to git
  • Runs npm publish
  • Released as version in package.json if yet unreleased

npx padua update

Checks if there are updates to any dependencies and automatically updates them.


The goal of this package is to allow you to create npm plugins just having to focus on writing the actual features.

  • TypeScript / JavaScript
  • React
  • Jest
  • ESLint & Prettier Configuration and Integration
  • Standard-Versioning
  • Polyfills
  • Automatic Updates
  • Builds with esbuild and tsc


Everything is zero-configuration but the configurations can easily be extended. To do that add a padua property to your package.json with the following options available:

  "name": "my-plugin",
  "padua": {
    // No build step, directly publish source files, default false.
    "source": true,
    // Output directory for build files, default 'dist'.
    "output": "public",
    // Is project written in TypeScript, automatically detected from extension (ts).
    "typescript": true,
    // Does the project include React, automatically detected from extension (jsx, tsx).
    "react": true,
    // Are there any tests, default false.
    "test": true,
    // Name of the entry files, automatically adds [src/]?index.[jt]sx? files if available.
    "entry": "another.tsx",
    "entry": ["another.js", "several.jsx"],
    "entry": "theme/*.ts",
    // package.json properties to be left untouched during configuration.
    "ignorePkgProperties": ["engines", "eslintConfig.rules"],
    // Additional tsconfig properties that will be added to the extended tsconfig.json.
    "tsconfig": {
      "compilerOptions": {
        "types": [
    // Additional configuration passed to esbuild.
    "esbuild": {
      "external": [
    // Add stylelint configuration, default false.
    // true if @emotion/react, styled-components or jss installed.
    "stylelint": true,
    // Folders to ignore by lint and/or test tools, "output" folder always ignored.
    // String => ignore for lint & test, disable either with `test: false` or `lint: false`.
    "ignore": ['demo', { name: 'index.d.ts', test: false }, { name: 'test/fixture', lint: false }]
  "eslintConfig": {
    // Added automatically upon installation.
    "extends": "./node_modules/padua/configuration/eslint.cjs"
    // Override ESLint default here.
    "rules": {
      "no-console": 0



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  • tobua