A JavaScript npm library for reading from and writing to the PSF pay-to-write database (P2WDB). To learn more about the P2WDB, check out this video. Additional documentation can be found at P2WDB.com.
This library is compiled with Browserify to make is usable by both node.js and browser-based JavaScript implementations. It provides convenience methods for reading from and writing to the P2WDB. FullStack.cash provides a block explorer for the P2WDB at explorer.FullStack.cash.
How To Use It?
Check out the examples directory for complete code examples for both node.js and browser JavaScript.
Add to your HTML scripts
<script src="https://unpkg.com/p2wdb"></script>
Node module
npm install --save p2wdb
// module import
import P2WDB from 'p2wdb'
const { Read, Write, Pin } = P2WDB
// nodejs modules
const { Read, Write, Pin } = require('p2wdb')
Below are different ways to read in data from the P2WDB. Instantiating the Read
class is easy, as it requires no dependencies:
const { Read } = require('p2wdb')
const read = new Read()
The getPage()
method will return a 'page' of the latest 20 entries. Newer entries are served first, older entries are accessed by increasing the 'page' integer.
// Get the second page of results.
const results = await read.getPage(2)
// Get the latest 20 entries in the database.
const result = await read.getPage() // default: page = 0
Similar to getPage()
, this method will return up to 20 entries, filtered by their appId
// Get the second page of results for the service metrics app.
const appId = 'psf-ipfs-metrics-0001'
const result = await read.getByAppId(appId, 2)
// Get the latest 20 entries of service metrics.
const appId = 'psf-ipfs-metrics-0001'
const result = await read.getByAppId(appId) // default: page = 0
The getByHash()
method will return a single entry, given its unique OrbitDB hash value.
const hash = 'zdpuAmJ7xBpzTrX3dJSZ3kGGWCJ12pjbcot2hTx4qavtKHb2B'
const result = await read.getByHash(hash)
The getByTxid()
method will return an entry based on the proof-of-burn TXID used to pay for that entry.
const hash = '4751fddd9ee2310d39dc0dbf92a5482eb1fc5301789f6d17df4363554f74842a'
const result = await read.getByTxid(hash)
Instantiating the Write
class requires a WIF private key. The private key should have control a few cents worth of BCH.
If the private key meets those minimum requirements, it can write data to the P2WDB.
The example below is copied from the node.js write example.
// Replace this private key and public address with your own. You can generate
// new values at wallet.fullstack.cash.
const wif = 'L1tcvcqa5PztqqDH4ZEcUmHA9aSHhTau5E2Zwp1xEK5CrKBrjP3m'
// BCH Address: bitcoincash:qqkg30ryje97al52htqwvveha538y7gttywut3cdqv
// SLP Address: simpleledger:qqkg30ryje97al52htqwvveha538y7gttyz8q2dd7j
const { Write } = require('p2wdb')
async function writeNode () {
try {
// Instantiate the BCH wallet using a private key.
const bchWallet = new BchWallet(wif, { interface: 'consumer-api' })
await bchWallet.walletInfoPromise
await bchWallet.initialize()
const write = new Write({ bchWallet })
// Generate the data that will be written to the P2WDB.
const appId = 'test'
const data = {
now: new Date(),
data: 'This is some test data.'
const result = await write.postEntry(data, appId)
console.log(`Data about P2WDB write: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`)
} catch (err) {
Some instances of P2WDB run the p2wdb-pinning-service. Currently the network only supports pinning files 1MB or smaller. Pinning ensure that an IPFS node retains the data and makes it available to the IPFS network. All P2WDB instances on the network that are running the p2wdb-pinning-service will pin the content, making it widely available across the world.
Here is an example to pin a piece of content to the P2WDB pinning service:
// Replace this private key and public address with your own. You can generate
// new values at wallet.fullstack.cash.
const wif = 'L1tcvcqa5PztqqDH4ZEcUmHA9aSHhTau5E2Zwp1xEK5CrKBrjP3m'
// BCH Address: bitcoincash:qqkg30ryje97al52htqwvveha538y7gttywut3cdqv
// SLP Address: simpleledger:qqkg30ryje97al52htqwvveha538y7gttyz8q2dd7j
// Replace this with your own IPFS CID. The content it represents
// should be less than 1 MB in size.
const CID = 'bafybeidmxb6au63p6t7wxglks3t6rxgt6t26f3gx26ezamenznkjdnwqta'
const { Pin } = require('p2wdb')
async function pinCid (cid) {
try {
// Instantiate the BCH wallet using a private key.
const bchWallet = new BchWallet(wif, { interface: 'consumer-api' })
await bchWallet.walletInfoPromise
await bchWallet.initialize()
const pin = new Pin({ bchWallet })
const outData = await pin.cid(cid)
console.log('outData: ', outData)
console.log(`IPFS CID ${CID} pinned with P2WDB entry`)
} catch (err) {
Pin JSON Data
Often times, a developer needs to upload raw JSON data to IPFS. Instances of P2WDB running the p2wdb-pinning-service can retrieve JSON data uploaded to the P2WDB and pin it as its own IPFS CID. Here is an example:
// Replace this private key and public address with your own. You can generate
// new values at wallet.fullstack.cash.
const wif = 'L1tcvcqa5PztqqDH4ZEcUmHA9aSHhTau5E2Zwp1xEK5CrKBrjP3m'
// BCH Address: bitcoincash:qqkg30ryje97al52htqwvveha538y7gttywut3cdqv
// SLP Address: simpleledger:qqkg30ryje97al52htqwvveha538y7gttyz8q2dd7j
const { Write, Pin } = require('p2wdb')
async function pinJSON () {
try {
// Instantiate the BCH wallet using a private key.
const bchWallet = new BchWallet(wif, { interface: 'consumer-api' })
await bchWallet.walletInfoPromise
await bchWallet.initialize()
// This is an example of JSON data. This can be any arbitrary data, up to
// 10 KB is size.
const exampleJSON = {
about: 'This is an example of a JSON object',
a: 'b',
c: 42,
image: 'some-image-url'
// Write JSON data to the P2WDB
const write = new Write({ bchWallet })
const appId = 'token-data-001' // This can be any string.
const result1 = await write.postEntry(exampleJSON, appId)
// This is the P2WDB CID (which starts with the letter 'z')
const zcid = result1.hash
console.log(`Data added to P2WDB with this zcid: ${zcid}`)
// Request the P2WDB Pinning Service extract the data and pin it separately
// as an IPFS CID (which starts with 'bafy').
const pin = new Pin({ bchWallet })
const result2 = await pin.json(zcid)
const cid = result2.cid
console.log(`The example JSON object has been pinned to IPFS with this CID: ${cid}`)
// const cid =
} catch (err) {
Create Ticket
Writing an entry to the P2WDB can take a few minutes, when a PSF token is burned on-the-fly. The createTicket()
function is useful for generating a pre-burned TXID. This allows writing to be much faster since the token burning can be done beforehand.
// Replace this private key and public address with your own. You can generate
// new values at wallet.fullstack.cash.
const wif = 'L1tcvcqa5PztqqDH4ZEcUmHA9aSHhTau5E2Zwp1xEK5CrKBrjP3m'
// BCH Address: bitcoincash:qqkg30ryje97al52htqwvveha538y7gttywut3cdqv
// SLP Address: simpleledger:qqkg30ryje97al52htqwvveha538y7gttyz8q2dd7j
const { Write } = require('p2wdb')
async function writeNode () {
try {
// Instantiate the BCH wallet using a private key.
const bchWallet = new BchWallet(wif, { interface: 'consumer-api' })
await bchWallet.walletInfoPromise
await bchWallet.initialize()
const write = new Write({ bchWallet })
// Generate the data that will be written to the P2WDB.
const appId = 'test'
const result = await write.createTicket(appId)
console.log(`Ticket: ${JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)}`)
Ticket: {
"txid": "5d25939f16be9b314c8e5c382d7bfca023838e30141c94a85d29c65094e01cd1",
"message": "2023-05-18T17:18:18.605Z",
"signature": "ILK2da0GVtUPZuplYV/XDxzpmKlkrXMQ9wh4k+3/KueILK/VGWN5TbjAYAEp2T0ItOZ0qc+ETiKbbPBy3SO+lkg=",
"appId": "test",
"data": {},
"timestamp": "2023-05-18T17:18:18.605Z",
"localTimeStamp": "5/18/2023, 10:18:18 AM"
} catch (err) {