
0.0.3 • Public • Published
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an HTTP proxy to aid
in web development

feature set

  • replace URL by other URL (replaceWithUrl)
  • replace URL by local file (replaceWithFile)


  • this proxy doesn't handle HTTPS requests. if you have a simple solution for this I'd love to hear it.

how to install

[sudo] npm install -g oxy

how to use

oxy <path_to_config_file>

configuring oxy

The configuration file isn't strict JSON any more. It is now eval'ed so comments and functions can now be defined.

  • port - integer, local proxy server port

  • logLevel - integer. defaults to 0: 0=quiet, 1=log changed requests, 2=log all requests

  • monochrome - boolean, defaults to falsy. if trueish, the logs are not colored

  • replaceWithFile - array of rules. The first matched rule is applied. If none is applied, uses next plugin... For each rule:

    • from - 1) string to match to OR 2) regexp to match to OR 3) a function which receives (url, req) and which should return a path (string) if replace is to be done
    • to - string: file to serve instead (optional if from is a function). regexp match replaces $1, $2 accordingly
    • partialMatch - if from is a string, partial matches are accepted and replaced (from partial match is replaced with to)
    • mime - optional string: to specify the mime type if not correctly asserted. oxy uses a lookup table with a couple of common extensions and use the to url's extension to assert the mime type
  • replaceWithUrl - array of rules. The first matched rule is applied... For each rule:

    • from - 1) string to match to OR 2) regexp to match to OR 3) a function which receives (url, req) and which should return a new URL (string) if replace is to be done
    • to - string, URL to proxy instead (optional if from is a function). regexp match replaces $1, $2 accordingly
    • partialMatch - if from is a string, partial matches are accepted and replaced (from partial match is replaced with to)

A sample configuration follows:

    port: 8080, // local proxy server port, defaulting to 8080

    logLevel: 1, //0=quiet, 1=log changed requests, 2=log all requests

    monochrome: false, // false is default. set true do disable console colors

    replaceWithFile: [
        { // regular replace URL with local file
            from: "http://www.google.com/asd.js",
            to:   "/home/user/asd.js",
            mime: "text/javascript" // this is asserted automatically from the js extension on the to field
        { // regular replace URL with file (regexp)
            from: /http:\/\/aaa\.bbb\.com/,
            to:   '/home/user/clown.png'
        { // replace URL by local file if having extension...
            from: function(u) {
                var t = u.split('.');
                var ext = t.pop().toLowerCase();
                if (['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'].indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
                    return '/home/user/image.jpg';
    replaceWithUrl: [
        { // regular replace URL with other URL
            from: "http://www.asd.com/a.jpg",
            to:   "http://localhost/a.jpg"
        { // replaces URLs having text '/asd/', changing host 'x.com' to 'y.com'
            from: function(u) {
                if (u.indexOf('/asd/') === -1) { return; }
                return u.replace('x.com', 'y.com');
        { // regular URL replace (partial)
            from: 'http://aaa.com/Bundles/Video',
            to:   'http://localhost/Bundles/Video',
            partialMatch: true
        { // replace URL if having extension...
            from: function(u) {
                var t = u.split('.');
                var ext = t.pop().toLowerCase();
                if (['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'gif'].indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
                    return 'http://localhost/image.jpg';
        { // log files not handled yet which have ext js
          from: function(u) {
            if (u.indexOf('.js') === -1) { return; }


0.0.3 Monday, the 25th of November 2013

  • support for regexps in from
  • support for partialMatch with from strings

0.0.2 Monday, the 25th of November 2013

  • changed config parsing from JSON.parse to strict eval (so comments and functions can be defined)
  • the plugins now support from to be a function instead of a string




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Last publish


  • josepedrodias