
1.0.0 • Public • Published

Organization Clone tool

Disclaimer: This doc is very much a work in progress, as is the tool.

This is a tool for cloning a GitHub Organization, and populating a new org with the same repository content as the original. It also creates a local copy of the org, and repos.



npm install -g org-cloner


Usage: clone [-h] [-v] --origin seattle-301d21 --destination seattle-301d22 [--publish]

Useful tool for cloning the full contents of a public organization on Github
into a new organization. Clones the repos locally, creates the repos in your
new org, and then resets the remote locally for each repo before pushing the
current content.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

  -v, --version         Show program's version number and exit.

  --origin seattle-301d21, -O seattle-301d21
                        Provide the full name, not including the Github
                        Domain, of the organization that you are cloning

  --destination seattle-301d22, -D -seattle-301d22
                        Provide the full name, not including the Github
                        Domain, of the organization that you are creating.
                        Note: You must create this org on GH prior to
                        completing this step

  --publish, -P         Designate whether to publish repositories to your new
                        org, or exit the process after changing the Origin


clone -O seattle-301d22 -D seattle-301d23 -P

The above command will clone any repository in the organization located at into a local directory on your computer; specifically at the location which you ran the clone command.

Each of the repositories will be replicated in the new organization located at Local copies of the repos will have their git history removed, remotes reset to the new org.

Current states of the repositories will be published to the new org structure given the --publish flag in the command line tool.

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npm i org-cloner

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  • sjschmidt44