
0.3.0 • Public • Published

The OpenWanderer JavaScript API.

This repo contains the OpenWanderer JavaScript API, based on Photo Sphere Viewer. The core API is present, in addition to various add-ons.

The core API

This is in the core directory, here

At present, the following classes exist:

OpenWanderer.Viewer - a viewer class. A thin wrapper around the PhotoSphereViewer.Viewer class from Photo Sphere Viewer. Allows addition of markers and polylines using WGS84 lat/lon and elevation in metres. These are internally converted to spherical coordinates.

OpenWanderer.Navigator - a class allowing navigation from one pano to the next. Designed to be modular; not specifically coupled to one navigation system (e.g. pano sequences or OSM-based navigation). See comments in the class for more detail.

Including in your application

For versions 0.1.3 or lower, the easiest way to include is via unpkg, e.g. for the latest version:

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

For version 0.1.4 or above, a bundle is no longer distributed. You should use npm to install, e.g. in your package.json:

	"dependencies": {
		"openwanderer-jsapi": "^0.3.0"

Then import it into your application:

import * as OpenWanderer from 'openwanderer-jsapi';

and use a build tool such as Webpack to build it.

Note that the dependencies, notably Photo Sphere Viewer, will be included automatically: however you still need to manually include the CSS for Photo Sphere Viewer in your HTML:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>


Examples can be found in the examples directory within core. Currently there are two basic demos, one showing usage of OpenWanderer.Viewer and the other showing usage of OpenWanderer.Navigator. These are now accompanied by a walkthrough guide.

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npm i openwanderer-jsapi

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  • nickw1