An OpenUI5 library which extends JSONModel to support CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. It uses fetch (not jQuery.ajax) to send requests to the server and populates a JSON Model with the responses. As aforementioned, OpenUI5 CRUD JSON Model uses fetch hence it returns Promises.
You can check out a live demo here:
Project Structure
- demo - Library's live demo
- dist - Distribution folder which contains the library ready to use
- src - Development folder
- test - Testing framework for the library
Getting started
Install openui5-model-json-crud as an npm module
$ npm install openui5-model-json-crud
Configure manifest.json
Add the library to sap.ui5/dependencies/libs and set its path in sap.ui5/resourceRoots in your manifest.json file, as follows:
"sap.ui5": {
"dependencies": {
"libs": {
"openui5.model.json.crud": {}
"resourceRoots": {
"openui5.model.json.crud": "./FOLDER_WHERE_YOU_PLACED_THE_LIBRARY/openui5/model/json/crud/"
How to use
Import openui5-model-json-crud to your UI5 controller using sap.ui.define or sap.ui.require:
], function(CRUDModel) {
const serviceUrl = ''; //backend root URL
const crudModel = new CRUDModel(serviceUrl);
this.getView().setModel(crudModel, 'CRUDModel');
//'search/anime?q=DBZ' is the path to the service to be called, it'll be concatenated to serviceUrl
//'/DBZ' is the path to the property into the model, in case you want to updated the model with the response;
// empty value does not update the local model, it only returns the response'search/anime?q=DBZ', '/DBZ')
.then(function() {
console.log('Data selected from API');
.catch(function(err) {
Mauricio Lauffer
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details