Node module to generate a JWT token given an apiKey and secret. Useful for automated tests against the Opentok API server or other scenarios when you might need to generate these tokens.
npm install --save opentok-jwt
const { accountToken, generateToken, projectToken, verify } = require('opentok-jwt');
const apiKey = <yourAPIKey>;
const apiSecret = <yourAPISecret>;
const projectJWT = projectToken(apiKey, apiSecret);
const accountJWT = accountToken(apiKey, apiSecret);
// or
const projectJWT = generateToken(apiKey, secret, 'project');
const accountJWT = generateToken(apiKey, apiSecret, 'account');
// With custom expiry (Default 30 days)
const expires = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000) + (24 * 60 * 60); // Now + 1 day
const accountJWT = accountToken(apiKey, apiSecret, expires);
const projectJWT = projectToken(apiKey, apiSecret, expires);
// or
const accountJWT = generateToken(apiKey, apiSecret, 'account', expires);
const projectJWT = generateToken(apiKey, apiSecret, 'project', expires);
// Verify
const decoded = await verify(token, secret);
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