OpenBCI Rx
Reactive Extensions for OpenBCI in Node
Dependencies Prerequisites
Make sure you have Node version >= 7.8 installed for development purpose.
Getting started
This library works with the following OpenBCI hardware:
Get started by importing the module:
npm install --save openbci-rx
const Cyton Ganglion = ;// Or with an alias...const BrainObservable = Ganglion;
Basic usage
const Cyton = ;{// Same options accepted by 'openbci'const cyton =verbose: truesimulate: true;await cyton;await cytonstart;cytonstream;};
Adding operators
** All operators from this library have been migrated to the eeg-pipes project. Now these can be used as "lettable" RxJS operators. **
// npm install --save eeg-pipes;cytonstream;
And now we have an FFT buffer of Alpha waves!
MIT © Alex Castillo