A lib to encapsute operation result and manage logs.
process.env.LOG_LEVEL = 'info' | 'debug' | 'none'
Case LOG_LEVEL is defined as info all Result state will print basic information on terminal
Case LOG_LEVEL is defined as debug all Result state will show result state and file name execution
How it works?
First you need to have an operation like example below
import { Payload, Ok, Fail, Error } from 'op-result';
class MyOperation {
// operation
execute(value: number): Payload<string, Error> {
// success result
if(value % 2 === 0) return Ok('success');
// failure result
return Fail({ message: 'invalid value' });
const myOp = new MyOperation();
const result = myOp.execute(10);
// ok state
> true
// data state
> "success"
// error state
> null
Lets see an example to signup
import { Payload, Ok, Fail, Error } from 'op-result';
class SignUp {
execute(data: Auth): Payload<User, Error> {
// create user instance
const user = User.create(data);
// check user instance
if(user.isFail()) return Fail({ message: 'oops' });
// success state
return Ok(user.data());
const mailer = new Mailer();
const auth = new SignUp();
const result = auth.execute({ name, email, password });
// This will be executed only case result is Ok
// sendEmail function will receive Auth arg data
// This will be executed only case result is Fail
// console.log function will receive error state
You can check many results state with combine
import { Ok, Fail, Combine } from 'op-result';
const resultsA = [ Ok(), Ok(), Ok() ];
// check many results
const resA = Combine(resultsA);
const isOkA = resA.isOk();
> true
const resultsB = [ Ok(), Fail(), Ok() ];
// check many results
const resB = Combine(resultsB);
const isOkB = resB.isOk();
> false