
0.1.0 • Public • Published


Onward is a collection of build tools to help automate common front-end workflows.


To setup a project using onward, run:

yarn init
yarn add onward
yarn run on

To develop and improve onward locally, you can setup and link your local onward repository:

yarn init
yarn add file:../../your/local/onward (i.e. file:../../Sites/Tools/onward)
yarn link onward


When you add onward to your project, you will initialize the on command:

  • bin/on.js

on can be run using yarn run on and accepts any number of arguments

  • yarn run on

The command yarn run on runs gulp (onward/gulpfile.js/index.js) which does several things:

  1. Loads the path config, and any overrides
  2. Loads the task config, and any overrides
  3. Runs any tasks defined in the task config


Thanks to all the folks who worked on Viget's Blendid package which served as inspiration and a model for several of the features implemented in this package.

Gulp Base

This document outlines the installation, dependencies, settings and standardized folder structure for our gulp base.


  • Copy over the gulpfile.js folder into your project root folder.
  • Using CMD or Terminal, change directory into your project root.
  • Run npm install gulp If gulp is already installed, skip this step.
  • Now run npm install --save-dev this will install your dependencies as defined in the package.json file.
  • Move node_modules up one directory to root
  • Change directory to root to run gulp tasks
  • Build out your folder structure based on the criteria set below. On older projects if current structure must be maintained adjust the settings in config.json to match the new structure.

Gulp Module Dependencies

  • autoprefixer
  • concat
  • csscomb
  • gulp
  • imagemin
  • jshint
  • livereload
  • minify-css
  • notify
  • plumber
  • rename
  • require-dir
  • rev
  • sass
  • sourcemaps
  • uglify
  • util

Folder Structure

The paths in gulp are set to this folder structure by default and may be modified in the config settings when necessary such as older projects, or when the content management system requires a different structure.

The source directory will store all files to be minified, concatenated, and optimized. These files are for development and should not be included on the live server.

    |-- root
        |-- source
            |-- scss
                |-- libraries
            |-- js
                |-- libraries
        |-- public
            |-- assets
                |-- css
                |-- js
            |-- content (user uploaded content)

Gulp Configuration

We are using a modular task based gulp setup. Every task is separated into their own respective files and are referenced by the index file. There should be little to no need to modify the tasks themselves as all settings are set up in the config.json file.


The config file is broken down in the task runners under "gulp", and individual task settings under "tasks". Including CSS, JS, rev, imagemin, csscomb.


  • Source - Source path to files to edit and run through gulp processes
  • Destination/Dest - Destination path for compiled files
  • Production - Variable names for the compiled files

Gulp Tasks

A basic breakdown of gulp tasks in this setup, and their usage.


Lints, compiles, concats and minifies the scss. Gulp watch and livereload also run with this task. IncludePath config will accept an array of files that can be referenced for scss includes/imports, which would include libraries like font-awesome, foundation etc.


Lints, concats and minifies the js. Gulp watch and livereload also run with this task. The config setting jsLibrarySourceFiles will accept an array of js library files to be concatted and minified.


Both scss and js tasks have a sourcemaps configuration to create external sourcemaps and reference them in the compiled and minified files. External sourcemaps are preferrable as inline sourcemaps can be viewed as a non-minified file by some evaluators like Google Page Speed Insights.


Renames production files adding a hash so the new names are unique. This guarantees the delivery of latest files to the browser whenever changes are made. In order to get the revved names in the templates, you need to install the CraftCMS Asset Rev plugin (https://github.com/clubstudioltd/craft-asset-rev) and set up its config file (/craft/config/assetrev.php).

return array(
    '*' => array(
        'manifestPath' => '../public/manifest.json',
        'assetsBasePath' => '../public/',


Optimizes jpg, png, gif, and svg images. This helps to decrease load times and page weight. Also removes unecessary markup that often conflicts with css manipulation of the svg, as well adding extra file weight.


Progamatically re-enforces the coding standards set at Barrel Strength Design. Running this task will "comb" the scss files and make updates that match the csscomb.json config file, allowing every developer to code however they want as this task will bring it to standard. . These changes include property ordering, general property value syntax, multi-selector format, line endings and more. Please check out the config file and gulp-csscomb resource if you wish to learn more (https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-csscomb).




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  • benparizek