this readme copy and edit for dva-cli this code copy and edit for umi
- 1.use ejs
- 2.change the app-structure like umi
- 3.crate app (or mobile app) for Git clone
- 4.the template managed to Git app mobile
- 1.update umi1.1
- 2.add Nested Route
Getting Started
Install, create and start.
# Install $ npm install oni-cli -g # Create app $ oni new myapp # Start app $ cd myapp$ npm i $ npm start
We have 2 commands: new
and generate
(alias g
oni new appName
Create app with new directory.
Usage Examples
$ oni new myapp $ oni new myapp --mobile
oni generate <?pagename> (short-cut alias: "g")
Generate page and component.
Usage Examples
$ oni g page home#generate component '/src/pages/home/components/Table.js' $ oni g component Table home #generate component '/src/components/Table.js' $ oni g component Table
Generated File Tree
.├── mock # mock data ├── user.js # the mock data test ├── public # index.html ├── src # Source directory ├── assets # Store images, icons, ... ├── components # UI components ├── layouts # layouts ├── models # Dva global models ├── pages # all pages (auto create Route) ├── plugins # umi plugins ├── services # Used for communicate with server └── utils # Utils ├── request.js # A util wrapped dva/fetch └── config.js # global config (name,api...) ├── global.less # global less ├── .editorconfig # ├── .eslintrc # Eslint config ├── .umirc.js # umi ├── .umirc.mock.js # umi mock ├── .webpackrc.js # webpackrc extend(lick alias prexy) ├── .gitignore # └── package.json #
oni-cli use umi for build and server