
2.3.0 • Public • Published


<meta-polymer> is wrapper around Polymer which allows the user to inject new components into the template or modify the existing components in the template using a UIComponent service endpoint provided by oe.io based on user requirements.

<meta-polymer> supports generation, enrichment and personalization of polymer component using meta data definition. Metadata enablement is done using models

  • UIComponent
  • UIElement
  • TypeMapping


<oe-validators> provides a collection of elements for validation of forms.

This repo consists of the following validator elements

  • oe-async-validator
  • oe-block-validator
  • oe-combination-validator
  • oe-eq-validator
  • oe-expression-validator
  • oe-le-validator
  • oe-lt-validator
  • oe-ne-validator


oe-block-validator provides a validation section to validate a subset of fields on form.

        <paper-input label="First Name"></paper-input>
        <paper-input label="Last Name"></paper-input>
        <paper-input label="City"></paper-input>
        <paper-input label="Zip Code"></paper-input>


oe-combination-validator evaluates fields on the bound model and ensures the combination is one of the defined combinations.


oe-eq-validator evaluates values of two fields on the bound model to make sure they are equal/same.


oe-expression-validator evaluates an expression on the bound model to decide the model validity.


oe-le-validator evaluates values of two fields on the bound model to make sure value of first field (fields[0]) is less-than-or-equal-to the second field (fields[1]).


oe-lt-validator evaluates values of two fields on the bound model to make sure value of first field (fields[0]) is less-than second field (fields[1]).


oe-ne-validator evaluates values of two fields on the bound model to make sure they are not same.


The new framework model UIComponent allows

  1. Metadata enablement of handwritten form
  2. Auto generation of Model Form

It has following properties:

Property Required Default Description
name yes - name of UI component, matches Polymer proptotype.is property
templateName no - Based on templateName component is generatred
filePath no - If component is file based, file location
content no - html content of the component, if not stored it is generated from model metadata
modelName no - If this component renders default UI for a model then model name
fields no - fields of default model to be rendered
gridConfig no - fields to display in grids
autoInjectFields no - Whether remaining model fields should be auto injected or not
excludeFields no - Fields which are to be excluded from injection

Enable metadata enrichment of handwritten Polymer element

  1. Post an entry in UIComponent as below:
  1. Replace Polymer call in your element with MetaPolymer

  2. Replace your client side import statement

<link rel="import" href="/path/to/my-owesome-element.html">
<link rel="import" href="/components/my-owesome-element.html">

This will enable my-owesome-element to be dynamically enriched at runtime using UIElement defined for this component.

Auto generate model form

Lets take the second use case to auto-generate data entry form for a particular model, say Apprentice defined as below:

    "name": "Apprentice",
    "idInjection": true,
    "properties": {
        "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "required": true
        "email": {
            "type": "email",
            "required": false
        "dateOfBirth": {
            "type": "date",
            "required": true
        "stipend": {
            "type": "number",
            "required": false
        "primarySkill": {
            "type": "string",
            "required": true
        "language": {
            "type": "string",
            "required": true,
        "nationality": {
            "type": "string",
            "enumtype": "NationalityEnum",
            "required": false
        "elligible": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "required": false,
            "default": false
        "interests": {
            "type": [
        "fromTime": {
            "type": "timestamp"
        "toTime": {
            "type": "timestamp"
    "validations": [],
    "relations": {
        "experienceDetails": {
            "type": "hasMany",
            "model": "ExperienceData"
        "department": {
            "type": "belongsTo",
            "model": "Department"
    "acls": [],
    "methods": {}
  1. Define UI Routes We create two UIRoute entries. First one displays list of Apprentice and the second one shows a form for editing a particular Apprentice record.

(Note that below route definition are generic)

    "type": "elem",
    "name": "elem",
    "path": "/ui/:modelName",
    "import": "elements/model-ui-generator.html",
    "args" : {"viewType":"list"}
    "type": "elem",
    "name": "elem",
    "path": "/ui/:modelName/:modelId",
    "import": "elements/model-ui-generator.html",
    "args" : {"viewType":"form"}
  1. Create the Navigation Link to navigate to the Apprentice list
    "name": "ApprenticeList",
    "url": "/ui/apprentice",
    "label": "Apprentice",
    "icon": "social:person",
    "group": "root",
  1. Finally define UIElement:

We create two UIElement entries one each for showing list of Apprentice and for Apprentice form.

        "name": "apprentice-form",
        "modelName": "Apprentice",
        "content" : "<ev-fields tplid='main' list='firstName,lastName'> </ev-fields><ev-fields tplid='details' list='birthDate,annualIncome'></ev-fields> ",
        "templateName": "default-form.js",
        "autoInjectFields" : true,
        "excludeFields" : ["nationality", "profession"]
        "name": "apprentice-list",
        "modelName": "Apprentice",
        "templateName": "default-list.js",
        "autoInjectFields" : false,
        "gridConfig" : {"modelGrid":[{"key":"firstName","label":"Custom Title"},"lastName","language","birthDate"]}

default-list.js and default-form.js are the templates defined for generated elements.

Defining templates

Defining and writing a new template is just like writing a Polymer component with following specifics:

You can use (:componentName, :modelName, :modelAlias, :plural) as placeholders which are replaced with actual values.

<dom-module id=":componentName">
    <div class="content layout vertical">
      <div class="evform layout vertical">
        <div class="layout horizontal">
          <h2 class="flex">:modelName</h2>
              <template is="toolbar"></template>
            <paper-button raised primary on-tap="doSave" ev-action-model=":modelAlias">Save</paper-button>
            <paper-button raised on-tap="doClear" ev-action-model=":modelAlias">Clear</paper-button>
            <template is="dom-if" if="{{:modelAlias.id}}">
              <paper-button raised on-tap="doFetch">Reset</paper-button>
              <paper-button raised on-tap="doDelete" ev-action-model=":modelAlias">Delete</paper-button>
        <div id="fields" class="layout horizontal wrap">
        <div id="grids" class="layout vertical">
        is: ":componentName",
        properties : {
            :modelAlias : {
              type : 'object',
              notify : true,
              value : {}

Mechanics of form rendering

As part of server's response to UIMetadata request, following steps take place:

  • UIMetadata record, corresponding to the requested 'code' that matches user's call context is selected.

  • If the record has 'modeltype' property defined, corresponding model definition along with its properties and relationships is loaded.

  • If controls have source property defined, these definitions are loaded from 'Field' collection.

  • Finally controls properties are enriched as follows,

    • Value defined directly in UIMetadata control gets preference
    • Followed by source 'Field'
    • Lastly any value defined on the model are applied.
  • However, for validations 'strictest-of-all' rules are applied.

    • If a property is defined as required on model, it can not be overridden to required=false.
    • Maximum of minlength/min and minimum of maxlength/max property is used.
    • If a property has a validateWhen condition for any of the validation rules that rule is not applied in the generated form for that property.In this case the server takes care of the validateWhen condition while we save the form data.
  • Properties that are defined on model but are not listed in 'controls' array are added with defaults. The defaults are arrived using field-source (where source-key=model-property-name) and property settings defined at model level.

  • default specified on all controls/source-field/model are used to form the default-view-model object as part of response.

  • All boolean properties assume a default value of 'false' unless specified otherwise.

Rendering the form on client side

As explained above for UIRoute type 'meta', the final rendered form takes uimetadata name along with form-template as an input.

  • To render a metadata driven form or page, the metadata and html form-template are pulled from server.
  • Each control defined in metadata is added to its corresponding container in form-template that bears ev-container="container-name" attribute. i.e. a control with container:'main' is added to an html container in template (div, ev-vbox, ev-hbox etc.) that has ev-container="main" attribute value.
  • If the corresponding container is not found, the control is appended in the end.

Form Navigation handling

  • ev-selection-group='tabs'
  • The form-template may have <iron-pages> linked to paper-tabs. Handling of selected tab is required as default value for selected has to be set to 0 so that first tab is visible by default.
  • This can be achieved by setting ev-selection-group="mytabs" on both paper-tabs and iron-pages. The form rendering automatically binds paper-tabs and iron-pages to a single property with default as 0, there by showing first tab as default.
  • ev-<group>-next and ev-<group>-prev

The form can also be some kind of wizard form where one iron-page is displayed at a time and user can click next/prev to browse through steps. For <iron-pages ev-selection-group='mywizardform'>,

  • Add an icon, button, paper-fab and give attribute as ev-mywizardform-next to auto handle 'next' action.
  • Add an icon, button, paper-fab and give attribute as ev-mywizardform-prev to auto handle 'prev' action.

Form action handling


  • ev-action="new" resets the VM with defaultVM
  • ev-action="reset", resets the VM with original values
  • ev-action="refresh", pulls the latest data (corresponding to modelId) from server and sets as 'VM'
  • ev-action="save", posts the current VM on the resturl
  • ev-action="delete", sends a delete request on the resturl

Completion of insert/update/delete/fetch raises following events ev-formdata-inserted, ev-formdata-updated, ev-formdata-deleted, ev-formdata-loaded. These are default handled in ev-app-shell to display appropriate message toast.

Lazy data fetch

For cases where some extra data needs to be fetched from server you can use ev-action="request-response" as below

<paper-fab icon="icons:fetch" ev-action="request-response" request-url="/api/details" response-to="extraDetails"> </paper-fab>

UIMetadata Form without route change





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