Convert json object to array, map each value and index position
How was it work?
Parsed json object and converted an array to map, u can got each value and index position in that object.
Es5 browser supported, see
npm i obj2array -s
const obj2array = require('obj2array');
const jsonParser = obj2array.jsonParser;
let json = {
"testNum": 5,
"testString": "tester",
"testBool": true,
"testArray": [1, 2, 3, 4],
"testObj": {
"num": 5,
"string": "tester",
"bool": true,
"obj": {
"a": "123",
"b": "456",
"c": {
"d": "111",
"e": 123,
"aa": [1, 2, 3, 4]
"obj2": {
"g": 1,
"gg": '1111'
"array": [1, 2, 3, 4]
// map each children value and index position
jsonParser(json, function (val, idx) {
console.log( 'index', idx ); // ["testObj"]["obj"]["c"]["aa"][3]
console.log( 'value', val ); // value 4
// ...
obj2array.reset(); // this function is not a constructor function, so you need reset defined when program completed this called.
set each value
// set value to each children key
jsonParser(json, function (val, idx) {
eval( "json"+idx + " = '"+ idx +"'" );
console.log( JSON.stringify( json ) );
obj2array.reset(); // this function is not a constructor function, so you need reset defined when program completed this called.