This small library helps you to deeply serialize your objects perserving inner functions and objects.
## How is it different from well-known JSON.stringify method? So it
- Avoids double quotes around properties and values.
- Correctly shows inner RegExp, Functions and so on.
- Allows you to choose single or double quotes for string values.
## Installation
$ npm install obj-stringify --save
## Usage You can import it using CommonJS format
const objStringify =
If you work with RequireJS module format:
Finally, if you don't use any module systems you can insert it via script tag and objStringify function would be accessible in global namespace.
// index.html<script src="node_modules/obj-strinfigy/index.js"></script><script src="src/app.js"></script> // src/app.jsconsole // true
## Params
## objStringify(obj [, options]) ### obj
Object you want to stringify.
Type: Object
Required: true
Note: for other argument types will be returned serialized value!
### options Formatted configuration. Use it to specify required format and depth of transformation
Type: Object
Required: false
#### You can configure:
#### options.indent If it is a number then such amount of spaces will be used to make string look more readable. In case it is a string, it will be used instead of spaces.
Type: Number
Default: 2
#### options.depth The level of accurately transformation. Use it when you don't want to stringify very deep objects
Type: Number
Default: 1000
#### options.inline Allows you to return one line string.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
#### options.singleQuotes It defines whether string values inside object should be wrapped in single quotes. Set it to false when you want to get double quotes for string values.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
## Examples
const obj = module: rules: test: /test\.js$/ exclude: 'libs/js/angular' const options = indent: ' ' // use 2 spaces as indent singleQuotes: false // use double quotes; const res = console/*{ module: { rules: [ { test: /test\.js$/, exclude: "libs/js/angular" } ] }}*/
Show functions correctly:
const helper = methods: { return a + b; } str // convert using default optionsconst res = console/*{ methods: [ { sum: function (a, b) { return a + b; } }, { reverse: (str) => str.split('').reverse().join('') } ]}*/
Using depth:
const status = tasks: inProgress: id: 22 name: 'create header' completed: id: 3 name: 'setup environment' backlog: id: 6 name: 'customize player' const options = depth: 2 // restrict accurate serialization to 2 levels. Deeper this level would be called toString method. const res = console/*{ tasks: { inProgress: [object Object], completed: [object Object] }, backlog: [ [object Object] ]}*/
Serialize dates as well:
const carHistory = issued: 2012 3 22 beginUsedIn: 2012 8 3 info: accidents: date: 2014 6 6 damages: const res = ; console// It prints Belarus Standard Time as I am staying there./*{ issued: 'Sun Apr 22 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Belarus Standard Time)', beginUsedIn: 'Mon Sep 03 2012 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Belarus Standard Time)', info: { accidents: [ { date: 'Sun Jul 06 2014 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (Belarus Standard Time)', damages: [] } ] }}*/
Pass array as argument:
const cbs = { return val * 2; } { return !val; } const res = console/*[ function (val) { return val * 2; }, function (val) { return !val; }]*/
Using inline option:
const container = name: 'list' children: name: 'popup' type: 3 const options = inline: true // returns inline string const res = console /*{ name: 'list', children: { name: 'popup', type: 3 }}*/
Using sign as indent:
const phone = manufacturer: 'apple' const options = indent: '$' const res = console /*{$manufacturer: 'apple'}*/
## Keep in mind:
It doesn't support circular references, non-enumerable properties, symbol properties.
It travers through passed object and gradually serializes its value calling toString method. So you can define custom toString method on your object and it will be called during serialization.
It doesn't support object's subtypes like Math, Navigator, history etc.
It can't serialize very deep objects (approximately 10000 levels deep) as browsers have some restrictions for recursion.