
1.3.1 • Public • Published

OAuth2 Core

Complete implementation of OAuth 2.0

​ OAuth is an open standard for delegation of access, which is used as a common means by which Internet users can give a website or application access to their information on another website without providing a password.

OAuth2 Core supports the following flows.

And It also support refreshing an access token



Install the library using npm:

npm i oauth2-core

Create server

Before create server, you make server options. and create server.

const options = {
  issuer: 'https://test.oauth2-core',
  client: {
    dao: clientDataAccessor,
  user: {
    dao: userDataAccessor,
  token: {
    secret: 'OAUTH2-CORE-TEST',
    activeToken: {
      dao: new DefaultActiveTokenDataAccessor(),
  job: {
    manager: new DefaultJobManager(),
const server = new Server(options);
  • issuer is used by the server to issue a token and to verify that the token has been issued by its server.
  • client.dao is used to find the client for the server to authenticate.
  • user.dao is used to find a user for the server to authenticate.
  • token.secret is the secret key for the server to issue tokens.
  • token.activeToken.dao is used to insert or delete tokens that the server is active.
  • job.manager is used by the server to schedule and manage asynchronous jobs.

Default options

const defaultOptions = {
  issuer: undefined,
  client: {
    dao: undefined,
  user: {
    dao: undefined,
  token: {
    authorizationCode: {
      expiresIn: 10 * 60,
    accessToken: {
      expiresIn: 60 * 60,
    refreshToken: {
      expiresIn: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
    activeToken: {
      dao: undefined,
    secret: undefined,
  job: {
    manager: undefined,
  scopeToken: {
    authorizationCode: {
      create: 'authorizationCode:create',
    accessToken: {
      create: 'accessToken:create',
    refreshToken: {
      create: 'refreshToken:create',
  • Unspecified options are set as default options.

Client Data Accessor

class ClientDataAccessor {
  async findById(_id) {
    return undefined;
  • You must implement findById properly by extends Client Data Accessor.


const clients = new Map();
class MockClientDataAccessor extends ClientDataAccessor {
  async findById(id) {
    return clients.get(id);
  async insert(client) {
    if (!client.id) client.id = generateId();
    clients.set(client.id, client);
    return client;
  async deleteById(id) {
  • This is a very simple example used for testing.


class Client {
  constructor(options = {
    id: null, secret: null, scope: [], redirectUri: null, type: null,
  }) {
    this.id = options.id;
    this.secret = options.secret;
    this.scope = options.scope;
    this.redirectUri = options.redirectUri;
    if (options.type === null) {
      if (options.secret === null) this.type = clientType.PUBLIC;
      else this.type = clientType.CONFIDENTIAL;
    } else {
      this.type = options.type;
  authenticate(secret) {
    if ((isExist(secret) || isExist(this.secret)) && secret !== this.secret) {
      throw UnauthorizedClient.create();
  basic() {
    return btoa(`${this.id}:${this.secret}`);
  • Client is defined as above and can be extended as needed.
  • scope is the scope of scope that this client has access to.

User Data Accessor

class UserDataAccessor {
  async findByName(_name) {
    return undefined;
  • You must implement findByName properly by extends UserDataAccessor.


const users = new Map();
class MockUserDataAccessor extends UserDataAccessor {
  async findByName(name) {
    return users.get(name);
  async insert(user) {
    users.set(user.name, user);
    return user;
  • This is a very simple example used for testing.


class User {
  constructor(options = { name: null, password: null, scope: [] }) {
    this.name = options.name;
    this.password = options.password;
    this.scope = options.scope;
  authenticate(password) {
    if ((isExist(password) || isExist(this.password)) && password !== this.password) {
      throw UnauthorizedUser.create();
  • User is defined as above and can be extended as needed.

Active Token Data Accessor

class ActiveTokenDataAccessor {
  async insert(_token) {
    return undefined;
  async findById(_id) {
    return undefined;
  async deleteById(_id) {
    return undefined;
  async updateById(_id, _token) {
    return undefined;
  async existById(_id) {
    return undefined;
  • You can implement all properly by extends UserDataAccessor To extend functionality.

Active Token

class ActiveToken {
  constructor(id, life) {
    this.id = id;
    this.life = life;
    this.age = 0;
  • ActiveToken is defined as above and can be extended as needed.
  • life is maximum count to access this token.
  • age is access count.

Job Manager

class JobManager {
  async register(_id, _handler, _timeout) {
    return undefined;
  async delete(_id) {
    return undefined;
  • You can implement all properly by extends JobManager To extend functionality.
  • id is job's id.
  • handler is function to run current time.
  • timeout is milliseconds to run handler in timeout milliseconds later.

Authorization Code Grant

​ The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens and is optimized for confidential clients. - rfc6749

Use redirection


By GET Method
const response = await server.authorize(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.GET,
  query: {
    response_type: responseType.CODE,
    client_id: client.id,
By POST Method
const response = await server.authorize(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  body: {
    response_type: responseType.CODE,
    client_id: client.id,
response = {
  status: 302,
  headers: {
    Location: 'https://example.auth2-core/auth?code=code&state=state'

Not use redirection


By GET Method
const response = await server.authorize(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.GET,
  query: {
    response_type: responseType.CODE,
    client_id: client.id,
By POST Method
const response = await server.authorize(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  body: {
    response_type: responseType.CODE,
    client_id: client.id,
response = {
  status: 200 | 201,
  body: {

Access Token


By basic authorization
const response = await server.token(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Basic ${client.basic()}`,
  body: {
    grant_type: grantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE,
    redirect_uri: redirectUri,
    client_id: client.id,
by client secret
const response = await server.token(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  body: {
    grant_type: grantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE,
    redirect_uri: redirectUri,
    client_id: client.id,
    client_secret: client.secret,


response = {
  status: 201,
  body: {
    access_token: 'access_token',
    refresh_token: 'refresh_token',
    token_type: 'example',
    expires_in: 3600,

Implicit Grant

​ The implicit grant type is used to obtain access tokens (it does not support the issuance of refresh tokens) and is optimized for public clients known to operate a particular redirection URI. These clients are typically implemented in a browser using a scripting language such as JavaScript. - rfc6749

Use redirection

Authorization Request

By GET Method
const response = await server.authorize(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.GET,
  query: {
    response_type: responseType.TOKEN,
    client_id: client.id,
    redirect_uri: client.redirectUri,
By POST Method
const response = await server.authorize(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  body: {
    response_type: responseType.TOKEN,
    client_id: client.id,
    redirect_uri: client.redirectUri,

Access Token Response

response = {
  status: 302,
  headers: {
    Location: 'https://example.auth2-core/auth?access_token=access_token&token_type=example&expires_in=3600&scope=scope&state=state'

Not use redirection

Authorization Request

const response = await server.authorize(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.GET,
  query: {
    response_type: responseType.TOKEN,
    client_id: client.id,

Access Token Response

response = {
  status: 200,
  body: {
    access_token 'access_token',
    token_type: 'example',
    expires_in: 3600,

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

​ The resource owner password credentials grant type is suitable in cases where the resource owner has a trust relationship with the client, such as the device operating system or a highly privileged application. The authorization server should take special care when enabling this grant type and only allow it when other flows are not viable. - rfc6749


By basic authorization

const response = await server.token(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Basic ${client.basic()}`,
  body: {
    grant_type: grantType.PASSWORD,
    username: user.name,
    password: user.password,

by client secret

const response = await server.token(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  body: {
    grant_type: grantType.PASSWORD,
    username: user.name,
    password: user.password,
    client_id: client.id,
    client_secret: client.secret,


response = {
  status: 201,
  body: {
    access_token 'access_token',
    refresh_token: 'refresh_token',
    token_type: 'example',
    expires_in: 3600,

Client Credentials Grant

​ The client can request an access token using only its client credentials (or other supported means of authentication) when the client is requesting access to the protected resources under its control, or those of another resource owner that have been previously arranged with the authorization server. - rfc6749


By basic authorization

const response = await server.token(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Basic ${client.basic()}`,
  body: {
    grant_type: grantType.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS,

by client secret

const response = await server.token(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  body: {
    grant_type: grantType.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS,
    client_id: client.id,
    client_secret: client.secret,


response = {
  status: 201,
  body: {
    access_token 'access_token',
    token_type: 'example',
    expires_in: 3600,

Refreshing an Access Token

​ The client can request an access token using only issued refresh token.


By basic authorization

await server.token(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Basic ${client.basic()}`,
  body: {
    grant_type: grantType.REFRESH_TOKEN,
    refresh_token: refreshToken,

by client secret

const response = await server.token(new Request({
  method: requestMethod.POST,
  body: {
    grant_type: grantType.REFRESH_TOKEN,
    refresh_token: refreshToken,
    client_id: client.id,
    client_secret: client.secret,


response = {
  status: 201,
  body: {
    access_token 'access_token',
    token_type: 'example',
    expires_in: 3600,



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