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1.0.7 • Public • Published


Window manager for NW.js.

A simple way to manage windows, including the following features:

  • Manage the parent/child relations of windows
    • The child window is always on top of the parent window
    • If the window is closed, all child windows also be closed
    • If the window is modal or any child is modal, it will not be closed
  • Append a translucent mask on the body to simulate a modal window
  • Merge EventEmitter to make communication between windows easier


npm install nwjs-window-manager


const { wm } = require("nwjs-window-manager");

// Promise style
async function main() {
  // Open a window
  const win1 = await wm.open("1.html");

  // Open a child window of win1
  const win2 = await win1.open("2.html");
  // Or
  const win3 = await wm.open("3.html", { parent: win1 });

  // More options
  const win4 = await win1.open("4.html", {
    // Set a name to open a singleton window
    name: "singleton",
    // win1 will be modal like
    modal: true,
    // Center relative to win1
    position: "parentCenter",
    // Other nw.Window.open() options
    width: 300,
    height: 200,
    // ...

  // Manage an existing nw window
  const curWin = wm(nw.Window.get());
  const win5 = curWin.open("5.html");

  nw.Window.open("6.html", (win6) => {
    nw.Window.open("7.html", (win7) => {
      // Make win7 a modal child window of win6
      wm(win7, { parent: win6, modal: true });


Communication between windows


// Manage the current nw window as `win1`
const win1 = wm(nw.Window.get(), { name: "win1" });

win1.open("2.html", { name: "win2" }).then((win2) => {
  // Listen message from win2
  win2.$on("from_win2", (msg) => {
    console.log("[from_win2]", msg);

  // After win2 is loaded, you can send message to win2
  win2.on("loaded", () => {
    win2.$emit("emit_win2", "Hello win2, I am win1");

win1.$on("win1_on", (msg) => {
  console.log("[win1_on]", msg);

// wm global message
wm.$on("global_msg", (msg) => {
  console.log("[global_msg]", msg);


// Get win2 by the current nw window
const win2 = wm(nw.Window.get());

// Or get win2 by name
// const win2 = wm("win2");

// Listen message
win2.$on("emit_win2", (msg) => {
  console.log("[emit_win2]", msg);

// Send message
win2.$emit("from_win2", "Hello, I am win2");

// You can also send messages through win1
wm("win1").$emit("win1_on", "Hello win1, I am win2");
// Or
win2.parent.$emit("win1_on", "Hello win1, I am win2");

// wm global message
wm.$emit("global_msg", "Global message from win2");


wm(maybeWin[, options])

Manage a nw.win as WM_Window, or get a WM_Window by name or nw.win.

  • maybeWin WM_Window | nw.win | string - win or win's name
  • options WM_Options (optional)
    • name string (optional) - Window's name.
    • parent WM_Window | nw.win | string (optional) - Parent window.
    • modal boolean (optional) - Whether to make the parent window modal.
    • always_on_top boolean (optional) - Whether the window is always on top of other windows.
    • position string (optional) - Controls where window will be put. Can be null or center or mouse or parentCenter
    • x number (optional) - Left offset from window frame to screen.
    • y number (optional) - Top offset from window frame to screen.
    • width number (optional) - window's width, including the window's frame.
    • height number (optional) - window's height, including the window's frame.

Returns WM_Window | undefined - Returns wm window if maybeWin is valid, otherwise returns undefined.

wm.open(url[, options][, callback]): Promise<WM_Window>

Open a new WM_Window.

  • url string - URL to be loaded in the opened window
  • options WM_OpenOptions (optional) - Open options
    • name string (optional) - Window's name.
    • parent WM_Window | nw.win | string (optional) - Parent window.
    • modal boolean (optional) - Whether to make the parent window modal.
    • always_on_top boolean (optional) - Whether the window is always on top of other windows.
    • position string (optional) - Controls where window will be put. Can be null or center or mouse or parentCenter
    • Other nw.Window.open()'s options
  • callback function (optional) - Callback when with the opened WM_Window instance
    • win WM_Window - The opened WM_Window instance

Returns Promise<WM_Window> - Resolve with the opened WM_Window instance.


Get a WM_Window by name or nw.win.

  • win WM_Window | nw.win | string - win or win's name

Returns WM_Window | undefined - Returns wm window if win is valid, otherwise returns undefined.


Get all WM_Window instances.

  • callback function (optional) - Callback with array of all WM_Window instances. Generally not needed because the return is fully synchronous.

Returns an array of all WM_Window instances.

wm emitter

wm.$on(event: string, listener: Function): WindowManager

Add a global listener.

wm.$once(event: string, listener: Function): WindowManager

Add a one-time global listener.

wm.$off(event: string, listener: Function): WindowManager

Remove a global listener.

wm.$offAll(event?: string): WindowManager

Removes all global listeners, or those of the specified event name.

wm.$emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): WindowManager

Synchronously calls each of the global listeners.


  • options - Config options
    • modalStyle string (optional) - Modal style
    • onAutoFocusTailWindow function (optional) - Called when the tail window is auto focus
  modalStyle: `.nwjs-window-manager-modal {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
  onAutoFocusTailWindow(tailWin) {


Extends from nw.win, so you can use all properties and methods of nw.win.

The following properties and methods are extended:

wmWin.nwWin nw.win (readonly)

Get the managed nw window.

wmWin.name string (readonly)

Get window's name.

wmWin.parent WM_Window

Parent window.

wmWin.children WM_Window[] (readonly)

Get child windows.

wmWin.modalParent boolean

Whether to make the parent window modal.

wmWin.modal boolean

Whether the window is modal.

wmWin.alwaysOnTop boolean

Whether the window is always on top of other windows.

wmWin.isMinimize boolean (readonly)

Get whether the window is minimize.

wmWin.isMaximize boolean (readonly)

Get whether the window is maximize.

wmWin.open(url[, options][, callback]): Promise<WM_Window>

Open a child window. See wm.open().

wmWin.centerToParent(): WM_Window

Center relative to parent.

wmWin.centerToScreen(): WM_Window

Center relative to screen.

wmWin.$on(event: string, listener: Function): WM_Window

Add a listener.

wmWin.$once(event: string, listener: Function): WM_Window

Add a one-time listener.

wmWin.$off(event: string, listener: Function): WM_Window

Remove a listener.

wmWin.$offAll(event?: string): WM_Window

Removes all listeners, or those of the specified event name.

wmWin.$emit(event: string, ...args: any[]): WM_Window

Synchronously calls each of the listeners.

Change Log


  • WM_Options: Add x/y/width/height options, you can set the window's position and size when manage/get the nw.win by wm() now.
  • WM_Window: Add wmWin.centerToParent() and wmWin.centerToScreen() methods.


  • Fix: use nw.require(...) instead of import ... from ... to import node:events.



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