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0.0.10 • Public • Published

Nuxt Vue Query

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  • Adds all Tanstack Vue Query composables: useQuery, useMutation, etc.
  • Add extra composables useApiGet, useApiPost, useApiPut and useApiDelete to easy access to Nuxt APIs.
  • Generates and returns Query Keys automatically.
  • Type safety for Nuxt API query, post, parameters and responses.
  • Uses useFetch() under the hood to support SSR. (Why not $fetch? See)
  • Clears queries from Nuxt cache immediately, because TanStack Query provides its own cache.

Quick Setup

  1. Add nuxt-vue-query and @tanstack/vue-query  dependency to your project
npm install --save-dev nuxt-vue-query
npm install @tanstack/vue-query
  1. Add nuxt-vue-query to the modules section of nuxt.config.ts. Provide vue-query configuration.
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-vue-query'],
  vueQuery: { queryClientConfig: { defaultOptions: { queries: { staleTime: 60000 } } } }


All Tanstack Vue Query features can be used as is:

const { isLoading, isError, data, error } = useQuery({ queryKey: ['todos'], queryFn: fetchTodoList })

const { isLoading, isError, error, isSuccess, mutate } = useMutation({
  mutationFn: (newTodo) =>'/todos', newTodo),
mutate({ id: new Date(), title: 'Do Laundry' })

Extra Features

Typed Server Routes

Add type to server routes. For example /api/item/[id]/[category]

import type { H3Event } from "h3";

// Export `Query` and `Body` types.
export type Query = { language: string };
export type Body = { status: string };

export default eventHandler(async (event: H3Event) => {


Using with Zod

Zod adds runtime data validation in addition to Type Script's type safety.

// Zod is optional, but really useful.
import type { H3Event } from "h3";
import { z, parseQueryAs, parseBodyAs, parseParamsAs } from "@sidebase/nuxt-parse";

const querySchema = z.object({ language: z.string().default("tr") });
const bodySchema = z.object({ status: z.string().default("ok") });
const parametersSchema = z.object({ id: z.preprocess(Number, z.number()), category: z.string() }).required({ id: true, name: true });

// Export `Query`, `Body` and `Parameters` types using Zod.
export type Query = z.infer<typeof querySchema>;
export type Body = z.infer<typeof bodySchema>;
export type Parameters = z.infer<typeof parametersSchema>;

export default eventHandler(async (event: H3Event) => {
  const { language } = parseQueryAs(event, querySchema);
  const { status } = parseBodyAs(event, bodySchema);
  const { id, name } = await parseParamsAs(event, parametersSchema);

Using on Components

Query for Nuxt API (get)

const id = ref(123);
const category = ref("new-arrivals")
const query = reactive({ draft: true })

// Pass URL parameters:
const { isLoading, isError, data, error, queryKey } = await useApiGet(["/api/item/:category/:id", category, id], query, options);

// Without URL parameters:
const { isLoading, isError, data, error, queryKey } = await useApiGet("/api/prefs", query, options);

Query for Nuxt API (post, put, delete)

// Pass URL parameters:
const { isLoading, isError, error, isSuccess, mutate, mutateAsync } = await useApiPost("/api/item/:category/:id", options);
const data = await mutateAsync([category, id, { color: "red" }]);

// Without URL parameters:
const { isLoading, isError, error, isSuccess, mutate, mutateAsync } = await useApiPost("/api/prefs", options);
const data = await mutateAsync({ theme: "dark" });

const { isLoading, isError, error, isSuccess, mutate, mutateAsync } = await useApiPut("/api/prefs", options);
const { isLoading, isError, error, isSuccess, mutate, mutateAsync } = await useApiDelete("/api/prefs", options);

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