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2.7.2 • Public • Published



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A Nuxt module for table of contents (TOC) component in your Nuxt Content projects.

Features ✨

  • 🎨 Highly Customizable: Tailor it to fit your unique needs.
  • 🔍 Active TOC Highlighting: Easily see which section you're in.
  • 📦 Out of the Box: Ready to use with minimal setup.
  • 🔗 Section Links: Navigate seamlessly within your content.
  • ARIA Support: Ensures accessibility for all users.
  • 🆓 Free and Open Source (MIT License): Enjoy the freedom to use, modify, and distribute.

Quick Start 🔧

  1. Install the module to your Nuxt application:
npx nuxi module add nuxt-toc
  1. Add <TableOfContents /> at where you need the TOC.
    <ContentDoc />
    <TableOfContents />

You can also pass in TOC yourself to prevent duplicate fetching.

    <ContentRenderer :value="data" />
    <TableOfContents :toc="data.body.toc" />

<script setup>
const route = useRoute()

const { data } = await useAsyncData('home', () => queryContent(route.path).findOne())


Prop Type Default Description
toc JSON null Use the provided toc data. If toc is passed in, this component will not fetch TOC info itself and path prop will be ignored.
path String '' The path to the content for which the TOC is generated. Defaults to using the current URI if not set.
isSublistShown Boolean true Determines whether the sublist within the TOC is shown.
isTitleShownWithNoContent Boolean false Determines whether the title is shown even if there is no content in the TOC.
title String 'Table of Contents' The title of the TOC.


ID/Class Type Description
toc-container ID The container for the table of contents (TOC).
toc-title ID The title of the table of contents.
toc-item Class General class for TOC items.
toc-topitem Class Specific class for top-level TOC items.
active-toc-item Class Applied to active TOC items.
active-toc-topitem Class Applied to active top-level TOC items.
toc-link Class General class for TOC links.
toc-toplink Class Specific class for top-level TOC links.
toc-sublist Class Styles the sublist within the TOC.
toc-subitem Class Specific class for sub-level TOC items.
active-toc-subitem Class Applied to active sub-level TOC items.
toc-sublink Class Specific class for sub-level TOC links.
toc-item-${} ID Dynamically generated ID for each TOC item, based on the
toc-topitem-and-sublist Class Styles the top-level TOC items and their sublists.

[!NOTE] The default styling of the <TableOfContents /> component is:

.active-toc-item {
  color: #fef08a;

.toc-sublist-item {
  padding-left: 1rem;

a {
  text-decoration: none;
  color: inherit;

ol {
  list-style: none;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;

You can customize the style or reset it with:

.active-toc-item {
  color: initial;

.toc-sublist-item {
  padding-left: initial;

a {
  text-decoration: underline;
  color: initial;

ol {
  list-style: initial;
  padding: initial;
  margin: initial;


Example One

Custom color for active items and custom padding for subitems

    <ContentDoc />
    <TableOfContents />

/* Styling for active Table of Contents items */
.active-toc-item {
  color: #4ade80;

/* Indentation for second-level Table of Contents items */
.toc-sublist-item {
  padding-left: 1.5rem;

<!-- Or with Tailwind CSS
.active-toc-item {
  @apply text-green-300

.toc-sublist-item {
  @apply pl-1.5



Example Two

Having a bar at left of each item

    <ContentDoc />
    <TableOfContents />

.toc-item {
  border-left-width: 2px;
  border-left-style: solid;
  border-color: #e5e7eb;
  padding-left: 0.25rem /* 4px */;

.active-toc-item {
  color: #60a5fa;
  border-color: #60a5fa;

.toc-sublist-item {
  padding-left: 1rem;

<!-- Or with Tailwind CSS
.toc-item {
  @apply border-l-2 pl-1

.active-toc-item {
  @apply text-blue-400 border-blue-400

.toc-sublist-item {
  @apply pl-4



Example Three

First level titles be active when any of it's second level titles be active.

    <ContentDoc />
    <TableOfContents />

/* Sublist item is contained in sub list, which is top item's sibling */
.active-toc-item, .toc-topitem:has(+ .toc-sublist .active-toc-sublist-item) {
  color: #60a5fa

.active-toc-sublist-item {
  color: #4ade80

.toc-sublist-item {
  padding-left: 1rem /* 16px */;

<!-- Or with Tailwind CSS
.active-toc-item, .toc-topitem:has(+ .toc-sublist .active-toc-sublist-item) {
  @apply text-blue-400

.active-toc-sublist-item {
  @apply text-green-400

.toc-sublist-item {
  @apply pl-4




This project is under MIT license.

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  • hanyujie2002