(First start in package making & publishing)
Project is made during studying the web-dev on Hexlet.
It includes 6 simple math games to be launched as console applications. To see all possible games to play You should just type brain-games in your command-line. You'll see an invitation, name-input line and a games list with their ordinal numbers:
Welcome to the Brain Games!
What's Ur name, dear guest ?: zorro
Hello, zorro !
[1] makeBalance
[2] simpleCalculator
[3] isEven
[4] GCDgame
[5] primeNumber
[6] progression
Choose a game number from the list above [1...6 / 0]:
All of them have next common logic:
1) after launching a game a description of this game appears(example):
`Is this number prime?`
2) then the game will ask You to input your name:
`What's Ur name, dear guest ?: me
Hello, me !`
3) after that You have first task displayed with a random number(s) (example):
`Question: 15`
If your answer is correct
`Your answer: no`,
You get the approval message
and go to the next level ( 3 in total ).
If it's not, You have folloving message:
`'yes' is wrong answer ;(. Correct answer was no.
Let's try again, me!`
4) notice that your answer must be "yes"/"no" or a sertain number - it depends from the description of a game. Also if you input any other string it will be interpreted as "no".
Each game launches by its name and have its own "question":
You need to define whether the displayed number is prime or not:
Question: 15 Your answer: no Correct! Question: 79 Your answer: yes
In this game You need to calculate missed arithmetic progression value:
Question: 7,79,..,223,295,367,439,511,583,655 Your answer: 151 Correct! Question: 65,160,..,350,445,540,635,730,825,920 Your answer:
You have a number which you need to "balance": balanced number is a number where numerals differ from each other by 1 or are equal: 4455, 2233, 56, 777 etc. So if You got, for example, 4181 your answer should be 3344 and so on:
Question: 1103 Your answer: 1112 Correct! Question: 9024
In this game You will get two numbers and You'll have to calculate their GCD:
Question: 8 24 Your answer: 8 Correct! Question: 8 55 Your answer:
Adding, subtraction or multiplication of two values:
Question: 71 + 56 Your answer: 127 Correct! Question: 22 - 70 Your answer:
Here You need to answer whether a given number is even or not:
Question: 68 Your answer: yes Correct! Question: 26 Your answer:
To be able to install & run brain-games the npm must be installed on your computer.
$ npm install -g numonebg