NovelCool Scrapper 📖
Dependecy-Lowest NovelCool scrapper for nodejs, just using node-html-parser
for DOM parsing
using ES6 for Classes and Modules
Now in npm 🥳
Install this module with
# npm
npm i novel-cool
pnpm add novel-cool
This is our RoadMap ⏲️
- [x] Select Languaje
- [x] Search
- [x] Get Manga Info
- [x] Get Episode Images
- [x] View home page manga (Working in it)
Just import from the module and instance it, then run exec method
Home Page
import {Home} from "novel-cool";
const Books = await Home({lang: "es"})
Title: 'Popular',
Books: [
Id: 'Guia-De-La-Reencarnaci-n',
Name: 'Guia De La Reencarnación',
Views: 5630,
Description: 'Información no completada',
Review: 4.7,
Image: ''
There has three methods
import {Manga} from "novel-cool";
// getMangaInfo -> Just Get Manga Metadata
const Manga_info_results = await Manga.getMangaInfo({
lang: "es",
id: "Yumemiru-Danshi-Wa-Genjitsushugisha"
Image: '',
Type: 'Manga',
Name: 'Yumemiru Danshi Wa Genjitsushugisha',
Description: '***',
Author: '',
Followers: 643,
Review: 4.8,
Reviews: 0,
OnGoing: true,
Tags: [...] (string)
// getEpisodes -> Just get episodes from id
const Manga_episode_results = await Manga.getEpisodes({
lang: "es",
id: "Yumemiru-Danshi-Wa-Genjitsushugisha"
Name: ' Capítulo 27.10Nuevo',
Id: 'Cap-tulo-27-10/11024482',
Views: 199,
Date: 'Jul 10, 2023'
returns the same but in one request
import {Search} from "novel-cool";
const results = await Search({
lang: "es",
id: "yumemiru danshi"
Image: '',
Name: 'Yumemiru Danshi Wa Genjitsushugisha',
Review: '4.8',
Date: 'Jul 01, 2023',
Views: '0',
Type: 'Manga',
Tags: [ 'Comedia', 'Drama' ],
ID: 'Yumemiru-Danshi-Wa-Genjitsushugisha'
Give full episode resources
import {Episode} from "novel-cool"
const results = await Episode({
lang: "es",
id: "Cap-tulo-27/11024480"
console.log(results) // string[] -> Just a string array 😄
Note For use this module is needed set "type": "module"
-> on your package.json
Please if you find a issue please 🙏 report it into GitHub CarlosNunezMX/novel-cool
Made with ❤️ from 🇲🇽 by CarlosNunexMX