
0.2.30 • Public • Published


@version 0.2.30


NoInfoPath data provides several services to access data from local storage or remote XHR or WebSocket data services.

Build Status


  • AngularJS
  • jQuery
  • ngLodash
  • Dexie
  • Dexie Observable
  • Dexie Syncable

Development Dependencies

See package.json for exact version requirements.

  • indexedDB.polyfill
  • angular-mocks
  • es5-shim
  • grunt
  • grunt-bumpup
    • grunt-version
  • grunt-contrib-concat
  • grunt-contrib-copy
  • grunt-contrib-watch
  • grunt-karma
  • jasmine-ajax
  • jasmine-core
  • jshint-stylish
  • karma
  • karma-chrome-launcher
  • karma-coverage
  • karma-firefox-launcher
  • karma-html-reporter
  • karma-ie-launcher
  • karma-jasmine
  • karma-phantomjs-launcher
  • karma-safari-launcher
  • karma-verbose-reporter
  • noinfopath-helpers
  • phantomjs

Developers' Remarks

Who When What
Jeff 2015-06-20T22:25:00Z Whaaat?

@interface noInfoPath


This interface exposes some useful funtions on the global scope by attaching it to the window object as window.noInfoPath




bindFilters deprecated

noFilter deprecated

noFilterExpression deprecated

noDataReadRequest deprecated

noDataSource deprecated

digest deprecated

digestError deprecated

digestTimeout deprecated

@class NoFilterExpression : Object

Represents an single filter expression that can be applied to an IDBObjectStore.


NoFilterExpression(column, operator, value [, logic])

Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
operator String One of the following values: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, contains, startswith
value Any Primative or Array of Primatives or Objects The vales to filter against.
logic String (Optional) One of the following values: and, or.


Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
operator String One of the following values: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, contains, startswith
value Any Primative or Array of Primatives or Objects The vales to filter against.
logic String (Optional) One of the following values: and, or.

Class NoFilters : Array

NoFilters is an array of NoFilterExpression objects.


Name Type Description
length Number Number of elements in the array.


add(column, operator, value[, logic])

Creates and adds a new NoFilterExpression into the underlying array that NoFilters represents.


Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
operator String One of the following values: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, contains, startswith
value Any Primative or Array of Primatives or Objects The vales to filter against.
logic String (Optional) One of the following values: and, or.

Class NoSortExpression : Object

Represents a single sort expression that can be applied to an IDBObjectStore.


NoFilterExpression(column[, dir])


Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
dir String (Optional) One of the following values: asc, desc.

Class NoSort : Array

NoSort is an array of NoSortExpression objects.


Name Type Description
length Number Number of elements in the array.


add(column[, dir])

Creates and adds a new NoSortExpression into the underlying array that NoSort represents.


Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
dir String (Optional) One of the following values: asc, desc.

Class NoPage : Object

NoPage represent that information required to support paging of a data set.


NoPage(skip, take)


Name Type Description
skip Number Number of objects to skip before returning the desired amount specified in take.
take Number Number of objects records to return when paging data.

Class NoResults : Object

NoResults is a wrapper around a standard JavaScript Array instance. It inherits all properties and method offered by Array, but adds support for paged queries.

@constructor NoResults(arrayOfThings)


Name Type Description
arrayOfThings Array (optional) An array of object that is used to populate the object on creation.


Inherited properties are omitted.

Name Type Description
total Number The total number of items in the array



Name Type Description
options NoPage A NoPage object that contains the paging instructions
Name Type Description
arrayOfThings Array (optional) An array of object that is used to populate the object on creation.


@class NoFilterExpression : Object

Represents an single filter expression that can be applied to an IDBObjectStore.


NoFilterExpression(column, operator, value [, logic])

Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
operator String One of the following values: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, contains, startswith
value Any Primative or Array of Primatives or Objects The vales to filter against.
logic String (Optional) One of the following values: and, or.


Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
operator String One of the following values: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, contains, startswith
value Any Primative or Array of Primatives or Objects The vales to filter against.
logic String (Optional) One of the following values: and, or.

Class NoFilters : Array

NoFilters is an array of NoFilter objects.



var x = new


Name Type Description
length Number Number of elements in the array.


add(column, logic, beginning, end, filters)

Creates and adds a new NoFilter into the underlying array that NoFilters represents.

Name Type Description
column String The name of the column to filter on.
logic String One of the following values: 'and', 'or'
beginning Boolean If the NoFilter is the beginning of the filter expression
end Boolean If the NoFilter is the end of the filter expression
filters Array Array of NoFilterExpressions


Converts the NoFilters array to a partial SQL statement. It calls the toSQL() method on every NoFilter object within the NoFilters array.



Class NoFilter : Object

NoFilter is an object with some properties that has an array of NoFilterExpressions hanging off of it.


Name Type Description
column String The column that will be filtered on
logic String One of the following values: 'and', 'or'
beginning Boolean If the NoFilter is the beginning of the filter expression
end Boolean If the NoFilter is the end of the filter expression
filters Array Array of NoFilterExpressions



Converts the current NoFilter object to a partial SQL statement. It calls the NoFilterExpression toSQL() method for every NoFilterExpression within the filters array.


Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
operator String One of the following values: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, contains, startswith
value Any Primative or Array of Primatives or Objects The vales to filter against.
logic String (Optional) One of the following values: and, or.

Class NoSort : Array

NoSort is an array of NoSortExpression objects.


Name Type Description
length Number Number of elements in the array.
total Number Total number of rows available given the current filters.
paged Array An array of object sliced on the skip and take parameters passed into the constructor.


add(column[, dir])

Creates and adds a new NoSortExpression into the underlying array that NoSort represents.


Name Type Description
column String The name of the column filter on.
dir String (Optional) One of the following values: asc, desc.

@interface INoQueryParser

INoQueryParser is a conceptual entity, it does not really exist the reality. This is because JavaScript does not implement interfaces like other languages do. This documentation should be considered a guide for creating query parsers compatible with NoInfoPath.


INoQueryParser provides a service interface definition for converting a set of NoInfoPath class related to querying data into a given query protocol. An example of this is the ODATA 2.0 specification.


makeQuery(filters, sort, page)

Name Type Descriptions
filters NoFilters (Optional) Instance of a NoFilters class
sort NoSort (Optional) Instance of NoSort class
page NoPage (Optional) Instance of NoPage class




The noQueryParser takes the data property of the options parameter passed to the Kendo DataSources method. The data object is inspected and its filter, sort, and paging values are converted to NoInfoPath compatible versions.



Parses provided filter, sort and paging options into NoInfoPath compatible objects. Stores the results internally for future use.

##### Returns Any/all filters, sorts or paging data as an array compatible with a call to function.prototype.array.



noQueryParser : INoQueryParser


Implements a INoQueryBuilder compatible service that converts NoFilters, NoSort, NoPage into ODATA compatible query object.

@class MockStorage

@class NoStorage

@service noConfig


The noConfig service downloads the application's config.json and exposes its contents via the noConfig.current property. If the application's server is offline noConfig will try to load config.json from LocalStorage.


Name Type Description
current object exposes the entire download config.json



Loads the configuration from LocalStorage.






Loads the conifiguration data from and HTTP endpoint.

Name Type Description
uri string (optional) A relative or fully qualified location of the configuration file. If not provided the default value is /config.json



Returns a promise to notify when the configuration has been loaded. If the server is online, whenReady will call load, if not it will try to load it from LocalStorage. If there is no cached version available then an error is returned.

Once the config.json is resolved is it stored on $rootScope as $rootScope.noConfig

Name Type Description
uri string (optional)A relative or fully qualified location of the configuration file. If not provided the default value is /config.json


@service noHTTP


Provides a RESTful compatible HTTP service.


create(uri, data)

Name Type Description
uri string unique identifier of the table to operate against
data object the data to use to create the new obejct in the db

read(resourceURI, query)

update(resourceURI, formdata)

TODO: Implementation required.

destroy(resourceURI, formdata)

TODO: Implementation required.

@class NoDb


Creates and manages a set of NoTable objects.

@constructor NoDb(tables, queryBuilder)

Name Type Description
tables object A hash object that contains a collection of table configuration as provided by noDbScema
queryBuilder function a reference to a function that compiles supplied NoFilters, NoSort, and NoPage objects into a query object compatible with the upstream provider.

@class NoTable


Provides an interface that loosely matches that of the NoTable class provided by noDexie. This to ease the integration with NoInfoPath component that consume data such as noKendo.

@constructor NoTable(tableName, queryBuilder)

Name Type Description
tableName string name of the table that this instance will interact with.
queryBuilder function a reference to a function that compiles supplied NoFilters, NoSort, and NoPage objects into a query object compatible with the upstream provider.


The noDbSchema service provides access to the database configuration that defines how to configure the local IndexedDB data store.


Name Type Description
store Object A hash table compatible with Dexie::store method that is used to configure the database.
tables Object A hash table of NoInfoPath database schema definitions
isReady Boolean Returns true if the size of the tables object is greater than zero



Converts the schema received from the noinfopath-rest service and converts it to a Dexie compatible object.

Name Type Descriptions
resp Object The raw HTTP response received from the noinfopath-rest service


Loads and processes the database schema from the noinfopath-rest service.




whenReady is used to check if this service has completed its load phase. If it has not is calls the internal load method.




The noDbSchema service provides access to the database configuration that defines how to configure the local IndexedDB data store.


Name Type Description
store Object A hash table compatible with Dexie::store method that is used to configure the database.
tables Object A hash table of NoInfoPath database schema definitions
isReady Boolean Returns true if the size of the tables object is greater than zero

NoDbSchema : Class

This provides



var x = new NoDbSchema();



createSqlTableStmt(tableName, tableConfig)

Returns a SQL query string that creates a table given the provided tableName and tableConfig

var x = createSqlTableStmt(tableName, tableConfig);
Name Type Description
tableName String The name of the table to be created
tableConfig Object The schema of the table to be created

Returns a SQL query string


Name Type Description
queryString String Returns a SQL query string that creates a table given the provided tableName and tableConfig
    "dbName": "NoInfoPath_dtc_v1",
    "provider": "noIndexedDB",
    "remoteProvider:": "noHTTP",
    "version": 1,
    "schemaSource": {
        "provider": "inline",
        "schema": {
            "store": {
                "NoInfoPath_Changes": "$$ChangeID"
            "tables": {
                "NoInfoPath_Changes": {
                    "primaryKey": "ChangeID"


Creates unique instances of NoDbSchema based on noDBSchema configuration data.

NOTE: noDbSchema property of noConfig is an array of NoInfoPath data provider configuration objects.

@interface INoQueryBuilder

INoQueryBuilder is a conceptual entity, it does not really exist the reality. This is because JavaScript does not implement interfaces like other languages do. This documentation should be considered as a guide for creating query providers compatible with NoInfoPath.


INoQueryBuilder provides a service interface definition for converting a set of NoInfoPath class related to querying data into a given query protocol. An example of this is the ODATA 2.0 specification.


makeQuery(filters, sort, page)

Name Type Descriptions
filters NoFilters (Optional) Instance of a NoFilters class
sort NoSort (Optional) Instance of NoSort class
page NoPage (Optional) Instance of NoPage class


@service noSQLQueryBuilder : INoQueryBuilder


Implements a INoQueryBuilder compatible service that converts NoFilters, NoSort, NoPage into a WebSQL compatible query string.

createTable(tableName, table)


Name Type Description
type String One of T|V
tableName String The table's name
table Object The table schema


CRUD interface for WebSql



Name Type Description
rowid Number or Object When a number assume that you are filtering on "rowId". When an Object the object will have a key, and value property.



Name Type Description
sqlExpressionData Object An object with two properties, queryString and valueArray. queryString is the SQL statement that will be executed, and the valueArray is the array of values for the replacement variables within the queryString.

webSqlOperation(operation, noTransaction, data)


Name Type Description
operation String Either one of (C|U|D|BD|BC)
noTransaction Object The noTransaction object that will commit changes to the NoInfoPath changes table for data synchronization. This parameter is required, but can be null.
data Object Name Value Pairs

noCreate(data, noTransaction)

Inserts a record into the websql database with the data provided.


Name Type Description
data Object Name Value Pairs
noTransaction Object The noTransaction object that will commit changes to the NoInfoPath changes table for data synchronization

noRead([NoFilters, NoSort, NoPage])

Reads records from the websql database.


Name Type Description
NoFilters Object (Optional) A noInfoPath NoFilters Array
NoSort Object (Optional) A noInfoPath NoSort Object
NoPage Object (Optional) A noInfoPath NoPage Object

noUpdate(data, noTransaction)

Updates a record from the websql database based on the Primary Key of the data provided.


Name Type Description
data Object Name Value Pairs
noTransaction Object The noTransaction object that will commit changes to the NoInfoPath changes table for data synchronization

noDestroy(data, noTransaction)

Deletes a record from the websql database based on the Primary Key of the data provided.


Name Type Description
data Object Name Value Pairs
noTransaction Object The noTransaction object that will commit changes to the NoInfoPath changes table for data synchronization


Reads a record from the websql database based on the Primary Key of the data provided.


Name Type Description
data Object Name Value Pairs


Delete all rows from the current table.


AngularJS Promise.


An in memory representation of complex SQL operation that involes multiple tables and joins, as well as grouping and aggregation functions.

NoView JSON Prototype
    "sql": String,
    "primaryKey": String,
    "params": []


Reads a record from the websql database based on the Primary Key of the data provided.


Name Type Description
data Object Name Value Pairs


The noIndexedDB factory creates and configures a new instance of Dexie. Dexie is a wrapper around IndexedDB. noIndexedDB is a Dexie AddOn that extends the query capabilites of Dexie, and exposes a CRUD interface on the WriteableTable class.

Class noDatum

This is a contructor function used by Dexie when creating and returning data objects.

Class noDexie

This is the classed used to construct the Dexie AddOn.


Adds a new record to the database. If the primary key is provided in that will be used when adding otherwise a new UUID will be created by Dexie.


|Name|Type|Description| |data|Object|An object contains the properties that match the schema for the underlying WriteableTable.




The read operation takes a complex set of parameters that allow for filtering, sorting and paging of data.

Name Type Descriptions
filters NoFilters (Optional) Any NofilterExpression objects that need to be applied to the the current table.
sort NoSort (Optional) Any NoSortExpression objects that need to be applied to the result set. The will be applied in the order supplied.
page NoPage (Optional) Paging information, if paging is reqired by the read operation.


Internal Values

Name Type Description
deferred $q::deferred An AngularJS deferment object that is used to return a Promise.
_resolve Function Call to resolve Dexie::Promise upon successful completion of _applyFilters(). This function is returned while resolving the underlying IDBObjectStore from the table parameter.
_reject Function Call to resolve the Dexie::Promise when an unexpected for un recoverable error occurs during processing.
_store IDBObjectStore This underlying IDBObjectStore that the table parameter represents.
_trans IDBTransaction This is the underlying IDBTransaction that the current object store is bound to.

This hash table allows for quick access to the operations that can be applied to a property on a target object and the value(s) being filtered on.

NOTE: The "a" parameter will always be the value tested, and "b" will always be the value being filter for.


This function develops an array of objects that has had all of the filters provided in the original request applied to them. The schema matches the schema of the table parameter.

Name Type Description
iNofilters [iNoFilterExpression] An array of filter expressions. Contains both indexed and non-indexed filters
table Dexie::Table A reference to the Dexie::Table being filtered.
Internal variables
Name Type Description
deferred $q::deferred An AngularJS deferment object that is used to return a Promise.
iNoFilterHash Collection Used to organize the filters received in the iNoFilters in to a set of indexed and non-indexed filter object The collection is created by a call to _sortOutFilters().
resultsKeys Array<guid> This will be use to collect the final set of results. It will be an array of keys that will be used to query the final result set.

AngularJS::Promise (Maybe)


This method of filtering goes against a predefined index. Basically we are doing a MapReduce techique angaist each indexed filter we come across. Using the filter parameter provided the index is reduced by matching against the value property of the INoFilterExpression. See the INoFilterExpression for more details.


Name Type Description
filter INoFilterExpression A single indexed filter the contains the column, operator, and value to apply to the index.



_filterByPrimaryKey -- Being Deprecated

This method of of filterig goes against the IDBObjectStore's primary key.

_filterHasIndex uses the iNoFilter parameter to determine if there is an index available for the give filter. it returns true if there is, false if not.

To determine if and index exists, we look at the table.schema.primKey, and table.schema.indexes properties.


This method of filtering compares the supplied set of filters against each object return in the Dexie colletion. This is a much slower than filtering against an index.

While Dexie supports a put operation which is similar to upsert, we're going with upsert which decides whether an insert or an update is required and calls the appropreiate function.


This function splits up the filters by indexed verses not. The return value is a INoFilterHash.

interface INoFilterHash { indexedFilters: [INoFilterExpression] nonIndexedFilters: [INoFilterExpression] }

This function applies the provided sort items to the supplied Dexie:Collection. It should always sort on indexed columns and return a DexieCollection.

NOTE: Need to research how to apply multi-column sorting.

Applies the specified skip and take values to the final Dexie::Collection, if supplied.

Note that this is the function returns the final Array of items based on all of the properties applied prior to this call.

The promise should resolve to a Dexie::Collection that will result in a set of data that matches the supplied filters, reject errors.

The update function expects the key to be within the update object.

Maps to the Dexie.Table.get method.


Class noDatum

This is a contructor function used by Dexie when creating and returning data objects.

noDataSource Service

Provides a generic service that exposes the NoInfoPath data providers' underlying CRUD interface.

       "dataProvider": "noWebSQL",
       "databaseName": "FCFNv2",
       "entityName": "LU_PercentColor",
       "primaryKey": "PercentColorID",
       "queryParser": "noQueryParser",
       "sort":  [{"field": "Percentage", "dir": "asc"}]

### resolveFilterValues(filters) #### This is more information

Note of some kind

Name Type Description
Foo Number Does something fun.

TODO: Implement support for delayed (waitFor) filter values.

NOTE: If a filter.value is an object and it has a source property set to scope then use the directives scope variable. Otherwise assume source is an injectable.


create a new instance of a NoDataSource object configured based on the datasource configuration found in noConfig at the given dsConfigKey location.

Name Type Description
dsConfigKey String The location in noConfig where the data source's configuration can be found. Can be a complex name like the following.

An instance of a NoDataSource object.




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