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sapiens-js-- Nodesapiens. Node.js Robosapiens Interface on Raspberry Pi

Sapiens.js is a straightforward high level abstraction of the Robosapiens family of robotic toys leveraging wiringPi and the well known IR PCB hack to send faked IR commands to the toy.

Currently only the Robosapiens V1 IR command codes are supported. The robosapiens.tell native function requires the IR-OUT line on the head controller to be cut with the head end wired to GPIO 0 (PIn #17) and printed circuit board end to GPIO 1 (Pin #18). A ground connection will also need to be provided. The function essentially modules an 8 bit signal directly into the Robosapiens circuitry mimicking a button push on the Remote Control unit.

As the signal is normally high the signal is set high during initialization of the native Node.js module. When a command is issued through calling one of the built in sapiens module functions the robot peforms that action.

For example, calling nodesapiens.karate_chop() will result in a signal preamble and 8 data bits to be sent to the robosapiens. The preamble is an 8 period delay. The data bits are 4 or 1 periods in length depending on whether a 1 bit or 0 bit is being encoded followed by a low signal for another period. When signalling is complete the signal line is returned to normally high operation. The clock rate requires a 1/1200 clock or 833 microsecond periods.


There are 60 commands available via the sapiens module:

  1. turn_right
  2. right_arm_up
  3. right_arm_out
  4. tilt_right
  5. right_arm_down
  6. right_arm_in
  7. walk_forward
  8. walk_backward
  9. turn_left
  10. left_arm_up
  11. left_arm_out
  12. tilt_left
  13. left_arm_down
  14. left_arm_in
  15. stop
  16. turn_right_step
  17. right_hand_thump
  18. right_hand_throw
  19. sleep
  20. right_hand_pickup
  21. lean_backward
  22. step_forward
  23. step_backward
  24. turn_left_step
  25. left_hand_thump
  26. left_hand_throw
  27. listen
  28. left_hand_pickup
  29. lean_forward
  30. reset
  31. right_hand_strike3
  32. right_hand_sweep
  33. burp
  34. right_hand_strike2
  35. high5
  36. right_hand_strike1
  37. bulldozer
  38. oops
  39. left_hand_strike3
  40. left_hand_sweep
  41. whistle
  42. left_hand_strike2
  43. talkback
  44. left_hand_strike1
  45. roar
  46. shuffle
  47. raise_throw
  48. karate_chop
  49. noop
  50. program_master_command
  51. program_play
  52. program_right_sensor
  53. program_left_sensor
  54. program_sonic_sensor
  55. exec_master_command
  56. wakeup
  57. exec_right_sensor_program
  58. exec_left_sensor_program
  59. exec_sonic_sensor_program
  60. demo_all


NOTE: This will work with node v0.10.3 stable. Due to upgardes of the v8 engine in v0.11.4 it will compile but the native modules will exhibit runtime errors.






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