
2.1.1 • Public • Published


Express.js middleware to control server maintenance mode


yarn add nodejs-server-maintenance


npm install nodejs-server-maintenance


Using default options

const maintenance = require('nodejs-server-maintenance');


Initializing maintenance mode to true

const maintenance = require('nodejs-server-maintenance');

maintenance(app, true);

Using customized configuration

const maintenance = require('nodejs-server-maintenance');

// these are the default values

const options = {
    mode: false,
    accessKey: "pw1234", // optional
    endpoint: '/maintenance',
    filePath: null,
    useApi: false,
    statusCode: 503,
    message: 'Error 503: Server is temporarily unavailable, please try again lager.', // 503 is taken from statusCode
    blockMethods: ['GET']

maintenance(app, options);

Setting a customized access middleware

If you want to handle the access to the endpoint by yourself, you can add a function. It allows you to hide the endpoint API and control the response.

const maintenance = require('nodejs-server-maintenance');

// options

const middleware = (req, res, next) => {
	try {
		// you can verify the token if you use jwt or have other conditions
		const  token  =  req.headers.authorization.split("  ")[1];
		if (token  ===  "token1234") return  next();
		throw  new  Error();
	} catch (error) {

maintenance(app, options, middleware);

Setting maintenance mode on

POST request to http://yourserver/[endpoint]?access_key=[accessKey]

You can also customize the parameters sending a JSON with the fields below you want to change without changing your code (until the app restarts)

    filePath: '...',
    useApi: false,
    statusCode: 503,
    message: '...',
    blockMethods: ['GET']

Setting maintenance mode off

DELETE request to http://yourserver/[endpoint]?access_key=[accessKey]

In order to reset the customized parameters above, send the following JSON or restart the server

    reset: true

Getting maintenance status

GET request to http://yourserver/[endpoint]/status


    success: true,
    mode: true/false


  • accessKey is optional but is recommended to use
  • The maintenance should be defined before your app routes and after your body parser
  • The priority of the variables is
    1. useApi - if true the server will send a JSON
    2. filePath - if filePath is provided, the server will send that file
    3. message - if above are false or null, the message will be sent by default


Name Type Description
mode Boolean Sets maintenance mode on/off
accessKey String Allows access only using the access key
endpoint String The URL endpoint of the API requests
filePath String The path to the file to send (the default value is null)
message String A default message to display
useApi Boolean If true, the server will send JSON { statusCode, message }
statusCode Number Response status code
blockMethods Array (strings) Blocks the request methods during the maintenance

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npm i nodejs-server-maintenance

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  • danielyona