NodeBB Google Adsense Plugin
NodeBB Google Adsense plugin is made to easily place ads on your forum in different areas.
npm install nodebb-plugin-adsense
- After activating plugin and rebuilding, you will see a reference in admin panel left menu called "Google Adsense". Here you will need to enter your unique publisher ID (pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). You can find your ID by following instructions here: ;
- Fill in the ads.txt in the ACP if nodebb is hosted on the root domain. More info
- Create new ad campaign on your Adsense account page. It is recommended to select "Responsive ad unit" ad;
- Then on this page you will see ID of your created campaign. Simply copy this number to the block id value in the adsense widget;
- That's all. I am sure your users will be happy to see ads ;)