SODA2 Parser
Parse Socrata's SODA2 API to Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). This library is 99% node-sqlparser and 1% SODA2 to SQL with SODA2 unit tests.
var Parser = ;var ast = Parser;
Parses to:
type: 'select' distinct: null columns: expr: type: 'column_ref' table: '' column: 'date' as: null expr: type: 'column_ref' table: '' column: 'type' as: null expr: type: 'column_ref' table: '' column: 'magnitude' as: null from: null where: type: 'binary_expr' operator: 'AND' left: type: 'binary_expr' operator: '>' left: type: 'column_ref' table: '' column: 'magnitude' right: type: 'number' value: 3 right: type: 'binary_expr' operator: '=' left: type: 'column_ref' table: '' column: 'source' right: type: 'string' value: 'pr' groupby: type: 'column_ref' table: '' column: 'type' orderby: null limit: null params:
With this AST, you can:
- Convert it to clean SQL using
(as seen in soda-postgres) - Write recursive functions to translate it to another query language
- Write recursive functions to interact with an ORM
- Print it out and hang it on the wall
Unit tests in test/soda
ensure the following functionality from the SODA2 docs (which is basically everything except what's listed under Unsupported)
- Multiple fields
- Field aliases
- Functions, ie.
$select=date_trunc_ym(datetime) AS month
- Operators, ie.
$select=depth * 3.28 AS depth_feet
- Basic filters, ie.
- Expressions
- Recursive And/Or
- Functions, ie.
$where=within_box(incident_location, 47.5998951, -122.33707, 47.5942794, -122.3270522)
- Between, ie.
$where=date between '2015-01-10T12:00:00' and '2015-01-10T14:00:00'
- Operators, ie.
$where=end - start < 1
- Modulo, ie.
$where=foo % 2
- $group
- $order
- $limit
- $offset
The following was tested and does not parse
- Not between, ie.
$where=date not between '2015-01-10T12:00:00' and '2015-01-10T14:00:00'
(reference) - Escaping single quote by doubling, ie.
$where=text_value='Bob''s string'
(reference) - Double pipe concatenate, ie.
$select=theft_date, dc_dist || dc_num AS dist_dc
(reference) - Free text search, ie.
(reference) (see issue)