Based on the original project node-isbn (
var isbn = require('node-isbn-catalogue');
isbn.resolve('0735619670', function (err, book) {
if (err) {
console.log('Book not found', err);
} else {
console.log('Book found %j', book);
Response follows the same schema, but some fields could depend on the service
that was used to find the book. In general, Google Books API returns more information.
"title": "Code Complete",
"authors": [
"Steve McConnell"
"publisher": "O'Reilly Media, Inc.",
"publishedDate": "2004",
"description": "Features the best practices in the art and...",
"industryIdentifiers": [
"type": "OTHER",
"identifier": "UCSC:32106018687688"
"readingModes": {
"text": false,
"image": false
"pageCount": 914,
"printType": "BOOK",
"categories": [
"averageRating": 4,
"ratingsCount": 123,
"contentVersion": "preview-1.0.0",
"imageLinks": {
"smallThumbnail": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"language": "en",
"previewLink": "",
"infoLink": "",
"canonicalVolumeLink": ""