
1.0.8 • Public • Published


Node module that transforme feature files into full javascript (using and run then using mocha, jasmine-node or protractor

Any feedback is appreciated !



node-gherkin-runner is available as an npm module

Install locally with

npm install node-gherkin-runner --save-dev


The examples are written with Gherkin language :

Feature: Calculator addition 
	In order to avoid silly mistakes
	As a math idiot
	I want to be told the sum of two numbers

	Scenario: Add two numbers
		Given I have entered 50 into the calculator
		And I have entered 70 into the calculator
		When I press add
		Then the result should be 120 on the screen

	Scenario: Add two other numbers
		Given I have entered 10 into the calculator
		And I have entered 79 into the calculator
		When I press add
		Then the result should be 89 on the screen
		And failed the test

Each Gherkin Feature will become a jasmine/mocha/protractor describe

And each Scenario will become a it

Some tags will allow you to ignore feature execution : jasmine/mocha/protractor xdescribe() / xit()

  • @ignore - ignore Feature or Scenario
  • @ignoreOthers - ignore all other feature / scenario exept those with this tag

Javascript Specs

The module will look for feature files (gherkin) in process.cwd() and all subdirectories.

The featureSteps() function host a set of steps that will be available for each feature that match the featureSteps regexp

    var gherkin = require('node-gherkin-runner');
        .given(/I have entered (.*) into the calculator/, function(num){
            // this step is for each feature that contains Calculator in title 
    gherkin.api.featureSteps('Calculator addition')
        .when('I press add', function(){
            // this one is not shared for "Calculator substraction"

given/when/then step can be string or regular expression that match a step in the feature file.

    var gherkin = require('node-gherkin-runner');
        .given(/I have entered (.*) into the calculator/, function(num){
            this.numbers = this.numbers || [];
        .when('I press add', function(){
            this.result = this.numbers.reduce(function(a,b){ return a + b },0);
        .then(/the result should be (\d+) on the screen/, function(expectedSum){
        .then('failed the test', function(){

Each step is executed on an isolated scope (this) which can hold current scenario state. (reset for each scenario)

You can add test initialize and cleanup :

    var gherkin = require('node-gherkin-runner');
      .before(function () {

To install :

npm install node-gherkin-runner --save-dev

And just include the module as a file to test in your test runner

Example gruntfile using mocha (and grunt-mocha-test) :

    mochaTest: {
      test: {
        options: {
          reporter: 'spec'
        src: ['tests/**/*.js', 'node_module/node-gherkin-runner/lib/gherkin-runner.js']


Using protractor :


Feature: angularjs homepage

	Given I browse angular website
Scenario: Must greet the user

	Given I insert 'Greg' in the "yourName" field
	When I look at the greeting message
	Then I see 'Hello Greg!'

Scenario: Must display a pre-set todo list
	Given The todo list is displayed by default with 2 elements
	When I look at the todo elements
	Then There is 2 elements in todo list
	And The text for the number 2 is 'build an angular app'

Scenario: Must add a todo when Add button is click

	Given The todo list is displayed by default with 2 elements
	When I insert 'write a protractor test using gherkin' in the input field
	And I click on Add button
	And I look at the todo elements
	Then There is 3 elements in todo list
	And The text for the number 3 is 'write a protractor test using gherkin'


    var gherkin = require('node-gherkin-runner');
    'use strict';
    gherkin.api.featureSteps(/angularjs homepage/)
        .given(/I browse angular website/, function(){
        .given(/I insert '(.*)' in the "yourName" field/, function(name){
        .when(/I look at the greeting message/, function(){
             this.message = element(by.binding('yourName'));
        .then(/I see '(.*)'/, function(message){
        .given(/The todo list is displayed by default with 2 elements/, function(){
            // nothing to do
        .when(/I look at the todo elements/, function(){
            this.todos = element.all(by.repeater('todo in todoList.todos'));
        .then(/There is (\d+) elements in todo list/,function(number){
        .then(/The text for the number (\d+) is '(.*)'/, function(number, text){
        .when(/I insert '(.*)' in the input field/, function(text){
            var addTodo = element(by.model('todoList.todoText'));
        .when(/I click on Add button/, function(){
            var addButton = element(by.css('[value="add"]'));;

e2e.config (protractor) :

var gherkinRunnerPath = require('node-gherkin-runner').runnerPath;
gherkinRunnerPath = gherkinRunnerPath.replace(__dirname+'\\', '');
exports.config = {
  framework: 'jasmine2',
  seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',
  specs: ['spec/demo.feature-specs.js', gherkinRunnerPath]

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npm i node-gherkin-runner

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  • gregorylimoratto