Some helper functionality for applications (binary protocol handling for example) that have floating point values or integers of various lengths stored in memory.
This is software that is part of the VSCP project. If you are new to VSCP you can find more info here.
Install with
npm install node-float-helpers
optionally with '--save' to save dependency in the package.json file.
Reference the module in the beginning of your file like this
const vscp = require("node-float-helpers");
Convert a double precision floating point value stored in an array (memory) to a javascript double.
const floatHelpers = require('bindings')('floathelpers');
// double 124.372 = 43 135 22 217 206 23 95 64
var arr1 = [43,135,22,217,206,23,95,64];
console.log('convertMem2Double should be 124.372 and is ',floatHelpers.convertMem2Double(arr1));
Convert a double precision floating point value into an array of bytes (memory).
var dbl1 = 124.372;
var arr2 = floatHelpers.convertDouble2Mem(dbl1);
console.log('convertDouble2Mem 124.372 should be 43 135 22 217 206 23 95 64 ', arr2);
if ( JSON.stringify(arr2) === JSON.stringify(arr1) ) {
console.log("Which is OK");
else {
console.log("Which is an ERROR");
Convert a single precision floating point value stored in an array (memory) to a javascript double.
// float 9.909819 = 158 142 30 65
var arr3 = [158,142,30,65];
console.log('\nconvertMem2Single should be 9.909819 and is ',
This package is part of the VSCP(Very Simple Control Protocol) IoT framework.
Convert a single precision floating point value into an array of bytes (memory).
var flt1 = 9.909819;
var arr4 = floatHelpers.convertSingle2Mem(flt1);
console.log('convertSingle2Mem 9.909819 should be 158 142 30 65 ', arr4);
if ( JSON.stringify(arr3) === JSON.stringify(arr4) ) {
console.log("Which is OK");
else {
console.log("Which is sm ERROR");
Convert an unsigned integer stored in memory (array) to a javascript double.
Optionally the byte order can be swapped.
The integer can be 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 bytes which is 8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64 bits.
// convertMemUInt2Double
var arr_uint1 = [1];
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 1-byte 1 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint1));
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 1-byte 1 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint1,true));
var arr_uint2 = [1,2];
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 2-byte 1,2 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint2));
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 2-byte 1,2 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint2,true));
var arr_uint3 = [1,2,3];
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 3-byte 1,2,3 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint3));
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 3-byte 1,2,3 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint3,true));
var arr_uint4 = [1,2,3,4];
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 4-byte 1,2,3,4 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint4));
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 4-byte 1,2,3,4 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint4,true));
var arr_uint5 = [0,4,3,2,1];
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 5-byte 0,4,3,2,1 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint5));
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 5-byte 0,4,3,2,1 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint5,true));
var arr_uint6 = [0,0,0,3,2,1];
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 6-byte 0,0,0,3,2,1 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint6));
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 6-byte 0,0,0,3,2,1 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint6,true));
var arr_uint7 = [0,0,0,0,0,2,1];
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 7-byte 0,0,0,0,0,2,1 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint7));
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 7-byte 0,0,0,0,0,2,1 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint7,true));
var arr_uint8 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1];
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 8-byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint8));
console.log("convertMemUInt2Double 8-byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemUInt2Double(arr_uint8,true));
Convert an signed integer stored in memory (array) to a javascript double.
Optionally the byte order can be swapped.
The integer can be 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 bytes which is 8/16/24/32/40/48/56/64 bits.
// Signed integer
console.log("SIGNED INTEGERS");
var arr_int1a = [1];
console.log("convertMemInt2Double 1-byte 1 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemInt2Double(arr_int1a));
console.log("convertMemInt2Double 1-byte 1 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemInt2Double(arr_int1a,true));
var arr_int1b = [-8];
console.log("convertMemInt2Double 1-byte -8 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemInt2Double(arr_int1b));
console.log("convertMemInt2Double 1-byte -8 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemInt2Double(arr_int1b,true));
var arr_int2a = [1,0];
console.log("convertMemInt2Double 2-byte 1,0 = ", floatHelpers.convertMemInt2Double(arr_int2a));
console.log("convertMemInt2Double 2-byte 1,0 swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemInt2Double(arr_int2a,true));
var arr_int2b = [0xff,0xff];
console.log("convertMemInt2Double 2-byte 0xff,0xff = ", floatHelpers.convertMemInt2Double(arr_int2b));
console.log("convertMemInt2Double 2-byte 0xff,0xff swap = ", floatHelpers.convertMemInt2
Copyright © 2000-2020 Åke Hedman, Grodans Paradis AB