
0.9.5 • Public • Published

Node File Logger

A simple logger for logging exceptions and error details in a log file.

  _   _           _        _____ _ _        _                                
 | \ | | ___   __| | ___  |  ___(_) | ___  | |    ___   __ _  __ _  ___ _ __ 
 |  \| |/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \ | |_  | | |/ _ \ | |   / _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
 | |\  | (_) | (_| |  __/ |  _| | | |  __/ | |__| (_) | (_| | (_| |  __/ |   
 |_| \_|\___/ \__,_|\___| |_|   |_|_|\___| |_____\___/ \__, |\__, |\___|_|   
                                                       |___/ |___/            

Docs & Features


moment.js moment-timezone.js node-stringify.js

Suports all logging levels

  • DEBUG: The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
  • TRACE: The TRACE Level designates finer-grained informational events than the DEBUG
  • INFO: The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
  • WARN: The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.
  • ERROR: The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.
  • FATAL: The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.

Create date-wise log files

It has an option to create a new log file for the current date which will be named like YYYY-MM-DD-log.log


  • Allows logging the service name & method name
  • Allows logging a short error message and an entire error object (optional)
  • Error objects are stringified and then logged to the log file

Has a callback

It allows you to run a callback after the logging process.

Steps to use


npm install node-file-logger --save

Create instance of Node file logger

// Ceate an instance of node file logger
const log = require('node-file-logger');
log.SetUserOptions(options); // Options are optional

Using options

// It is recommended to set options in a separate module and include it in the code
// Everything in the example below are default values
const options = {
  timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles',
  folderPath: './logs/',      
  dateBasedFileNaming: true,
  // Required only if dateBasedFileNaming is set to false
  fileName: 'All_Logs',   
  // Required only if dateBasedFileNaming is set to true
  fileNamePrefix: 'Logs_',
  fileNameSuffix: '',
  fileNameExtension: '.log',     
  dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
  timeFormat: 'HH:mm:ss.SSS',
  logLevel: 'debug',
  onlyFileLogging: true
// Note: If you set dateBasedFileNaming to false, then a log file will be created at the folder path with the provided fileName.
// If set to true then a logfile will be created with the name <fileName> provided in the options


Simple logging to a file with date-based log file naming

const options = {
  folderPath: './logs/',
  dateBasedFileNaming: true,
  fileNamePrefix: 'DailyLogs_',
  fileNameExtension: '.log',    
  dateFormat: 'YYYY_MM_D',
  timeFormat: 'h:mm:ss A',
const log = require('node-file-logger');
// Log a simple error message
log.Info('Some informational log message');
// *****************************************************
// Ouput in Logfile: 
// File name : ./logs/Logs_2018_02_23.log
// 5:52:28 PM | Info | Some informational log message
// *****************************************************
// Log an error message with service and method names
log.Error('Something has failed!', 'Some service', 'Some method');
// *****************************************************
// Ouput in Logfile: 
// File name : ./logs/Logs_2018_02_23.log
// 5:52:28 PM | Error | Service: Some service | Method: Some method | Some error message
// *****************************************************
// Log an fatal error message with service and method names and error object
log.Fatal('Something has failed!', 'Some service', 'Some method', errorObj);
// *****************************************************
// Ouput in Logfile: 
// File name : ./logs/Logs_2018_02_23.log
// 5:52:28 PM | Fatal | Service: Some service | Method: Some method | Something is broken
  unhandledException: Something serious has happened
// *****************************************************
// Log an error message with callback
log.Info('Something has failed!', null, null, null, function() {
  // Do something

Simple logging to a file without date-based file naming

const options = {
  folderPath: './logs/',
  dateBasedFileNaming: false,
  fileName: 'All_Logs.log', 
  dateFormat: 'YYYY_MM_D',
  timeFormat: 'h:mm:ss A',
const log = require('node-file-logger');
// Log a simple error message
log.Info('Some informational log message');
// *****************************************************
// Ouput in Logfile: 
// File name : ./logs/All_Logs.log
// 2018_02_23 5:52:28 PM | Info | Some informational log message
// *****************************************************

API Reference



Sets user options for node file logger

Parameter Description Datatype Optional
object Configuration Object object no

Details of the configuration object

Parameter Description Datatype Default Value
folderPath Path of the folder where log file will be saved string ./logs/
dateBasedFileNaming If set to true, date based file naming standard will be followed for log file boolean true
fileName Needed in case of single log file, where dateBasedFileNaming is set to false string All_Logs
fileNamePrefix Log file name prefix string Logs_
fileNameSuffix Log file name suffix string ''
fileNameExtension Log file name extension string .log
dateFormat Date format for timestamp logging string YYYY-MM-DD
timeFormat Time format for timestamp logging string HH:mm:ss.SSS
logLevel Allowed values - debug, prod, prod-trace (Details below) string debug
onlyFileLogging If set to false then messages are logged to console as well boolean true

Details of log levels

'prod' and 'prod-trace' levels are suitable for production releases

Log level name Description
debug All log level messages are logged
prod Only 'warn', 'info', 'error' and 'fatal' messages are logged. 'debug' and 'trace' messages are not logged.
prod-trace Only 'debug' messages are not logged. All the others are logged.


Logs a debug message in the log file

Parameter Description Datatype Optional
errorMessage Error message to be logged in the file string no
serviceName Service name from which info was logged string yes
methodName Method name from which info was logged string yes
errorObj Error object that needs to be logged object yes
callback Callback method that is called after error logging (may return an error) function yes


Logs a trace message in the log file

Parameter Description Datatype Optional
errorMessage Error message to be logged in the file string no
serviceName Service name from which info was logged string yes
methodName Method name from which info was logged string yes
errorObj Error object that needs to be logged object yes
callback Callback method that is called after error logging (may return an error) function yes


Logs a informational message in the log file

Parameter Description Datatype Optional
errorMessage Error message to be logged in the file string no
serviceName Service name from which info was logged string yes
methodName Method name from which info was logged string yes
errorObj Error object that needs to be logged object yes
callback Callback method that is called after error logging (may return an error) function yes


Logs a warning message in the log file

Parameter Description Datatype Optional
errorMessage Error message to be logged in the file string no
serviceName Service name from which info was logged string yes
methodName Method name from which info was logged string yes
errorObj Error object that needs to be logged object yes
callback Callback method that is called after error logging (may return an error) function yes


Logs a error message in the log file

Parameter Description Datatype Optional
errorMessage Error message to be logged in the file string no
serviceName Service name from which info was logged string yes
methodName Method name from which info was logged string yes
errorObj Error object that needs to be logged object yes
callback Callback method that is called after error logging (may return an error) function yes


Logs a fatal error message in the log file

Parameter Description Datatype Optional
errorMessage Error message to be logged in the file string no
serviceName Service name from which info was logged string yes
methodName Method name from which info was logged string yes
errorObj Error object that needs to be logged object yes
callback Callback method that is called after error logging (may return an error) function yes


Used to log any kind of log message in the log file (Custom Log level)

Parameter Description Datatype Optional
logLevel _Log level - 'debug', 'trace', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'fatal', on any custom log level _ string no
errorMessage Error message to be logged in the file string no
serviceName Service name from which info was logged string yes
methodName Method name from which info was logged string yes
errorObj Error object that needs to be logged object yes
callback Callback method that is called after error logging (may return an error) function yes


Apache 2.0

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  • routbisu