Module for Cisco XML API interface IOS XR
This is a small module that implements interface to Cisco IOS XR XML Interface.
This module open an maintain TCP session to the router, sends requests and receive responses.
To install the module do something like that:
npm install node-ciscoxml
It is very easy to use this module. See the methods bellow:
Load the module
To load and use the module, you have to use a code similar to this:
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml( { ...connect options.. });
Module init and connect options
host (default - the hostname of the router where we'll connect
port (default 38751) - the port of the router where XML API is listening
username (default guest) - the username used for authentication, if username is requested by the remote side
password (default guest) - the password used for authentication, if password is requested by the remote side
connectErrCnt (default 3) - how many times it will retry to connect in case of an error
autoConnect (default true) - should it try to auto connect to the remote side if a request is dispatched and there is no open session already
autoDisconnect (default 60000) - how much milliseconds we will wait for another request before the tcp session to the remote side is closed. If the value is 0, it will wait forever (or until the remote side disconnects). Bear in mind autoConnect set to false does not assume autoDisconnect set to 0/false as well.
userPromptRegex (default (Username|Login)) - the rule used to identify that the remote side requests for a username
passPromptRegex (default Password) - the rule used to identify that the remote side requests for a password
xmlPromptRegex (default XML>) - the rule used to identify successful login/connection
noDelay (default true) - disables the Nagle algorithm (true)
keepAlive (default 30000) - enabled or disables (value of 0) TCP keepalive for the socket
ssl (default false) - if it is set to true or an object, then SSL session will be opened. Node.js TLS module is used for that so if the ssl points to an object, the tls options are taken from it. Be careful - enabling SSL does not change the default port from 38751 to 38752. You have to set it explicitly!
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml( {
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
connect method
This method forces explicitly a connection. It could accept any options of the above.
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml();
c.connect( {
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
The connect method is not necessary to be used. If autoConnect is enabled (default) the module will automatically open and close tcp connections when needed.
Connect supports callback. Example:
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
cxml().connect( {
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
}, function(err) {
if (!err)
console.log('Successful connection');
The callback may be the only parameter as well. Example:
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
}).connect(function(err) {
if (!err)
console.log('Successful connection');
Example with SSL:
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var fs = require('fs');
host: '',
port: 38752,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass',
ssl: {
// These are necessary only if using the client certificate authentication
key: fs.readFileSync('client-key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('client-cert.pem'),
// This is necessary only if the server uses the self-signed certificate
ca: [ fs.readFileSync('server-cert.pem') ]
}).connect(function(err) {
if (!err)
console.log('Successful connection');
disconnect method
This method explicitly disconnects a connection.
sendRaw method
data - a string containing valid Cisco XML request to be sent
callback - function that will be called when a valid Cisco XML response is received
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml({
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
c.sendRaw('<Request><GetDataSpaceInfo/></Request>',function(err,data) {
sendRawObj method
data - a javascript object that will be converted to a Cisco XML request
callback - function that will be called with valid Cisco XML response converted to javascript object
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml({
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
c.sendRawObj({ GetDataSpaceInfo: '' },function(err,data) {
rootGetDataSpaceInfo method
Equivalent to .sendRawObj for GetDataSpaceInfo command
Sends getNext request with a specific id, so we can retrieve the rest of the previous operation if it has been truncated.
id - the ID callback - the callback with the data (in js object format)
Keep in mind next response may be truncated as well, so you have to check for IteratorID all the time.
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml({
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
c.sendRawObj({ Get: { Configuration: {} } },function(err,data) {
if ((!err) && data && data.Response.$.IteratorID) {
return c.getNext(data.Response.$.IteratorID,function(err,nextData) {
// .. code to merge data with nextData
// .. code
sendRequest method
This method is equivalent to sendRawObj but it can automatically detect the need and resupply GetNext requests so the response is absolutley full. Therefore this method should be the preferred method for sending requests that expect very large replies.
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml({
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
c.sendRequest({ GetDataSpaceInfo: '' },function(err,data) {
requestPath method
This is a method equivalent to sendRequest but instead of an object, the request may be formatted in a simple path string. This metod is not very useful for complex requests. But its value is in the ability to simplify very much the simple requests. The response is in JavaScript object
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml({
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
c.requestPath('Get.Configuration.Hostname',function(err,data) {
reqPathPath method
This is the same method as requestPath, but the response is not an object, but a path array. The method supports optional filter, which has to be a RegExp object and all paths and values will be tested against it Only those returning true will be included in the response array.
var cxml = require('node-ciscoxml');
var c = cxml({
host: '',
port: 5000,
username: 'xmlapi',
password: 'xmlpass'
c.reqPathPath('Get.Configuration.Hostname',/Hostname/,function(err,data) {
// The output should be something like
// [ 'Response("MajorVersion"="1","MinorVersion"="0").Get.Configuration.Hostname("MajorVersion"="1","MinorVersion"="0")',
'asr9k-router' ]
This method could be very useful for getting simple responses and configurations.
getConfig method
This method requests the whole configuration of the remote device and return it as object
c.getConfig(function(err,config) {
cliConfig method
This method is quite simple, it executes a command(s) in CLI Configuration mode and return the response in JS Object. You have to know that any configuration change in IOS XR is not effective unless it is committed!
c.cliConfig('username testuser\ngroup operator\n',function(err,data) {
cliExec method
Executes a command(s) in CLI Exec mode and return the response in JS Object.
c.cliExec('show interfaces',function(err,data) {
commit method
Commit the current configuration.
c.commit(function(err,data) {
It supports optional object to set the commit mode. For example:
c.commit({ Mode: "Atomic" },function(err,data) {
rollback method
Rollbacks the current configuration
c.rollback({ CommitID: '1212121' },function(err,data) {
getConfigurationSessions method
Report the current configuration sessions
c.getConfigurationSessions(function(err,data) {
clear method
Equivalent to Cisco clear command.
c.clear(function(err,data) {
lock method
Locks the configuration mode.
c.lock(function(err,data) {
unlock method
Unlocks, abort and exit the configuration mode.
c.unlock(function(err,data) {
abort method
abort method is juct linked to the unlock method in Cisco IOS XML API
Configure Cisco IOS XR for XML agent
To configure IOS XR for remote XML configuration you have to:
Ensure you have mgbl package installed and activated! Without it you will have no xml agent commands!
Enable the XML agent with a similar configuration:
xml agent
vrf default
ipv4 access-list SECUREACCESS
ipv6 enable
session timeout 10
iteration on size 100000
You can enable tty and/or ssl agents as well!
(Keep in mind - full filtering of the XML access has to be done by the control-plane management-plane command! The XML interface does not use VTYs!)
You have to ensure you have correctly configured aaa as the xml agent uses default method for both authentication and authorization and that cannot be changed (last verified with IOS XR 5.3).
You have to have both aaa authentication and authorization. If authorization is not set (aaa authorization default local or none), you may not be able to log in. And you shall ensure that both the authentication and authorization share the same source (tacacs+ or local).
The default agent port is 38751 for the default agent and 38752 for SSL.
The module uses "debug" module to log its outputs. You can enable the debugging by having in your code something like:
Or setting DEBUG environment to ciscoxml before starting the Node.JS