
0.1.5 • Public • Published


This is a REPL environment for the Noctua annotation tool. This gets you some nice things:

  1. You don't have to wait until UI functionality makes it into the graph (or some other) editor--if the low-level API is capable of expressing it, you can easily do it in the REPL.
  2. For some operations, it is easier to express them succinctly with commands rather than work with a UI.
  3. An extremely easy way of prototyping new functionality.
  4. Spooky action at a distance.


Given that you have logged in to a Noctua instance, look at the URL and copy your token (the variable is "barista_token").

Know your target installation well enough to know where your Barista is hiding. Copy that URL down.

You might also need to know your Barista definition--is defaults to "minerva_local".

Should then be as simple as:

npm install
node ./bin/noctua-repl.js --token=xyz321abc987 --server

See the examples section for more information.


CLI examples

Connect to a local server with:

~/local/src/git/noctua-repl$:) reset && node ./bin/noctua-repl.js --token=123 --server http://localhost:3400

Connection to labs with:

~/local/src/git/noctua-repl$:) reset && node ./bin/noctua-repl.js --token=123 --server --definition minerva_public_dev

Connect to a local server and dump meta-information to a file using CLI:

~/local/src/git/noctua-repl$:) reset && node ./bin/noctua-repl.js --token=123 --server http://localhost:3400 --definition minerva_local --command "get_meta(); show(response)" > /tmp/foo.txt

Connect to a local server local and dump meta-information to a file using a script:

~/local/src/git/noctua-repl$:) reset && node ./bin/noctua-repl.js --token=123 --server http://localhost:3400 --definition minerva_local --file ./scripts/run-script-test.repl.js > /tmp/bar.txt

REPL examples

Get all of the meta-information for the current instance.


Assign environment to a known model, then add a couple of new individuals to it.

model_id = 'gomodel:taxon_9606-5539842e0000002'
add_individual(intersection(['GO:0022008', 'GO:0008150']))

Add a new model, which gets the default assignment when done. Then add two new individuals as arguments to a new fact.

var r = new_request_set()
r.add_fact([r.add_individual('GO:0022008'), r.add_individual('GO:0008150'), 'part_of'] )


This is a list of symbols that are defined or used in the REPL/scripting environment beyond what comes with node. Remember that you can do any of the normal things that you might want in this environment--it's just node!


  • 'bbop' the bbop-core package
  • 'us' underscore
  • 'manager' the bbop-rest-manager with bbop-reponse-minerva
  • 'show' function to display objects more intelligently

Auto-variables--these are attempted to be sent after every call.

  • 'token'
  • 'model'
  • 'model_id'
  • 'request_set'
  • 'response'
  • 'query_url'

Class expressions--package class-expression.

  • 'union'
  • 'intersection'
  • 'svf'
  • 'cls'

Manager actions--these are manager functions mapped up to the top-level.

  • 'get_meta'
  • 'get_model'
  • 'add_model'
  • 'save_model'
  • 'add_individual'
  • 'new_request_set'
  • 'request_with'

Bigger fun function macros.

  • 'show_models' show summary information for all current models; can take a single string argument of "id", "title", "deprecated", "modified-p", "contributor", "model-state", or "date" for sorting
  • 'show_response'
  • 'silent' supress/re-enable the display of action results


We're actually feeling pretty good about this right now. Let us know.

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