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2.0.2 • Public • Published

Simple and easy NiceDB

NiceDB is a library for easy and simple use of IndexedDB. Created for use in small SPA, PWA. It consists of interfaces similar to MongoDB.

Using it has the following advantages:

  • The code is concise.
  • No need for version control.
  • Automatically update store and index settings.

What is IndexedDB? link



<script src=""></script>

Use in JavaScript files after installation:

nicedb.define( /* Object defining stores */ );
// ...


npm install nicedb

Use in JavaScript files after installation:

import nicedb from "nicedb"
nicedb.define( /* Object defining stores */ );
// ...

Before reading this document

All functions provided by NiceDB are asynchronous, so they return Promise. Therefore, you need to post-process with .then(), catch() and .finally().

If it is not an asynchronous function, it is marked as a synchronous function.

What is Promise? link

Word description

To avoid confusion, we define some of the words to be used here.

  • Store: A storage is a space for users to store data.
  • Document: Data object to be saved or saved by the user.
  • Field: The key used in the document (object).
  • Query: Conditional statements to find documents.

Browser support

IndexedDB is part of the official web spec. Therefore, it works in the latest browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. link

IE does not support it because it uses IndexedDB 2.0 API.


API NiceDB class

define() sync

A method to define the stores before using the library.


define( stores )


stores(Required - Object)

  • Object defining the store.
    • Key: The store's name string.
    • Value: An field_array of "strings or objects defining fields" of the document to be used in the store.
      • objects in field_array: key=field name, value= option_object

_id cannot be declared as a field name. But you can use it in your query.

Documents can be saved using field names that are not declared in field_array. However, you cannot search by that field.

You can save the document as a Boolean value in the declared field. But when searching for Boolean value, the document is not searched. Therefore, it is recommended to use 0 and 1 instead of Boolean. link

Option information when an object such as { ...options } is declared instead of a string in field_array.. link

Return value

resolve: IDBRequest success event

reject: Error event


import nicedb from "nicedb"

const store = {
  // You have defined a store named 'user'.
  // Since you declared 'name','age', and'gender',
  // You can search with this field in the future.
  user: ['name', 'age', 'gender'],

  // You have defined a store named 'car'.
  // The modelNum field used options.
  car: ['name', 'color', {name: 'modelNum', unique: true, multiEntry: false}]
  // ...

nicedb.define( store );

getStore() sync

Call the store object. The store object provides methods to create, modify, and delete documents.


getStore( storeName )


storeName(Required - String)

  • The name of the store to be loaded.

Return value

Store class 객체


import nicedb from "nicedb"

nicedb.define( { /* ... */ } );

const User = nicedb.getStore( "user" );
const Car = nicedb.getStore( "car" );


When the app is already running, when running the app in a new tab, Block the library operation in the app in the new tab and call the onblocked event.

Handling the onblocked of IndexedDB. link


nicedb.onblocked = callback;

API Store class


Retrieve all documents corresponding to the query.


find( query )
find( query, options )


query(Optional - Object)

  • Object of { field_name1 : value || operator, field_name2 : value || operator, ... }.
  • If omitted, all documents in the store are returned.
  • Support for comparison query operators. link

options(Optional - Object):

  • sort(Object || Array)
    • Defines the sorting of the result documents list.
    • { field_name1 : number, field_name2 : number } 형식.
      • number 1: Ascending
      • number -1: Descending
  • skip(Number)
    • Set the quantity to be omitted from the front of the result value.
  • limit(Number)
    • Setting the maximum quantity of result values.

It tries to sort the result list according to the order in which sort objects are defined.

In general, modern browsers can detect the order in which objects are defined, but it is not perfect.

In this case, it can be solved by defining sort as a two-dimensional array rather than an object.

[ ['field_name1', number], ['field_name2', number], ... ]

Return value

resolve: An array of document objects. An empty array if there are no results.

reject: Related error event object.


const FooStore = nicedb.getStore( "foo" );

// Suppose, have the following data in FooStore:
//   { _id: 1, bar: 10, foo: 1 }
//   { _id: 2, bar: 10, foo: 2 }
//   { _id: 3, bar: 22, foo: 3 }
//   { _id: 4, bar: 10, foo: 1 }
//   { _id: 5, bar: 10, foo: 2 }
//   { _id: 6, bar: 33, foo: 3 }
//   { _id: 7, bar: 10, foo: 1 }
//   { _id: 8, bar: 10, foo: 2 }
//   { _id: 9, bar: 44, foo: 3 }
//  { _id: 10, bar: 10, foo: 1 }

const query = {
  _id: { $lte: 9 },
  bar: 10
const options = {
  sort: { foo: 1, _id: -1 },
  skip: 1,
  limit: 4
FooStore.find( query, options ).then( result => console.log(result) );
// [
//   { _id: 4, bar: 10, foo: 1 },
//   { _id: 1, bar: 10, foo: 1 },
//   { _id: 8, bar: 10, foo: 2 },
//   { _id: 5, bar: 10, foo: 2 },
// ]


Retrieve one document corresponding to the query.


findOne( query )


query(Optional - Object)

  • If omitted, the document with the lowest _id value.

Return value

resolve: Document object. If there is no result value, undefined.

reject: Related error event object.


const FooStore = nicedb.getStore( "foo" );

// Retrieves and returns documents with bar value of 100 among
// the documents stored in the foo repository.
FooStore.findOne( {bar: 100} )
  .then( result => console.log(result) ); // { _id: 33, bar: 100, ... }


Retrieve all documents count number corresponding to the query.


count( query )


query(Optional - Object)

Return value

resolve: The number of documents corresponding to the query.

reject: Related error event object.


const FooStore = nicedb.getStore( "foo" );

// Returns the number of documents with a field value of 40 or more among
// documents stored in foo store.
FooStore.count( {bar: {$gte: 40} } ); // 13


Save the document to the store.


insert( doc )


doc(Required - Object)

  • The document object to be saved consisting of
    { field_name1: value_1, field_name2: value_2, ... }.

Return value

resolve: The _id of the saved document. (Number)

reject: Related error event object.


const FooStore = nicedb.getStore( "foo" );

const doc = {
  txt: 'text',
  num: 123,
  foo: new Date(),

FooStore.insert( doc ).then( result => console.log(result) ); // 93


Update the document that corresponds to the query.


update( query, doc )
update( query, doc, change )


query(Required - Object)

doc(Required - Object)

  • The document object to be saved consisting of
    { field_name1: value_1, field_name2: value_2, ... }.

change(Optional - Boolean)

  • Default: false
  • If true, replace the document corresponding to the query with doc.

Return value

resolve: An array of _id of the updated document.

reject: Related error event object.


const FooStore = nicedb.getStore( "foo" );

const query = { bar: { $gte: 9 } }; // bar field value is 9 or more
const doc = { bar: 9, etc: 'love' };

// Searches the document corresponding to the query
// and updates it with the field value corresponding to doc.
FooStore.update( query, doc ).then( result => console.log(result) ); // [ 1, 5, 32, 78 ]


Delete the document corresponding to the query.


remove( query )


query(Optional - Object)

If you omit the query, all documents in the store are deleted.

However, if you need to delete all documents, you should use clear() instead of remove() for performance reasons.

Return value

resolve: none.

reject: Related error event object.


const FooStore = nicedb.getStore( "foo" );

const query = { bar: 9 };

FooStore.remove( query ).then( result => console.log(result) ); // undefined


Delete all documents stored in the store.





Return value

resolve: none.

reject: Related error event object.


const FooStore = nicedb.getStore( "foo" );

FooStore.clear().then( result => console.log(result) ); // undefined

Comparison query operators

NiceDB does not support multi-query, but it does support some of the comparison query operators used by MongoDB.

Operator Description
$gt query < result
$gte query <= result
$lt query > result
$lte query >= result


import nicedb from "nicedb"

const store = { foo: ['num'] };
nicedb.define( store );

const FooStore = nicedb.getStore( "foo" );

// Function to print _id of document array
function log( docs ) {
  const ids = v => v._id );
  console.log( ids );

// Suppose you have the following documents stored in a store called foo:
//      { _id: 1, num: 10 }
//      { _id: 2, num: 5  }
//      { _id: 3, num: 15 }
//      { _id: 4, num: 7  }
//      { _id: 5, num: 13 }

FooStore.find( {num: 5} ).then( log );           // 5 === num  →   [ 2 ]
FooStore.find( {num: { $gt: 10 }} ).then( log ); // 10 < num   →   [ 3, 5 ]
FooStore.find( {num: { $lte: 7 }} ).then( log ); // 7 >= num   →   [ 2, 4 ]
FooStore.find( {num: { $gte: 7, $lt: 15 }})
  .then( log );                      // 7 <= num && 15 > num   →   [ 1, 2, 4, 5 ]

All search results are returned sorted by _id in ascending order.

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npm i nicedb

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