Push notifications to your visitors with a toast, a lightweight and easily customizable alert message with custom theme based.
Features: Positioned toast notifications with allows custom theme as responsive
Install: npm install ngx-toast-notify
On a component or service inject the toast service as follows
import { NgxToastNotifyService } from 'ngx-toast-notify';
constructor(private toast: NgxToastNotifyService) {}
public showToastTopLeft() {
this.NgxToastNotifyService.showToast("Top left", "primary", "top-left");
public showToastTopRight() {
this.NgxToastNotifyService.showToast("Top right", "warning", "top-right");
public showToastBottomLeft() {
this.NgxToastNotifyService.showToast("Bottom left", "info", "bottom-left");
public showToastBottomRight() {
this.NgxToastNotifyService.showToast( "bottom-right", "danger", "bottom-right");
public showToastTopCenter() {
this.NgxToastNotifyService.showToast("top-center", "dark", "top-center");
public showToastBottomCenter() {
this.NgxToastNotifyService.showToast("bottom-center", "light", "bottom-center");
showToast(text: string, mode: string, position: string): Creates toast notification.
text — : Toast text to be shown. - String
mode — : Toast appearance as - primary | warning | danger | success | info - String
position — : Toast position at - top-left | top-right | bottom-left | bottom-right | top-center | bottom-center