
3.0.0 • Public • Published

An Angular Material Component wrapping the Angular Material Datepicker and allowing

  • to update the date formats at runtime and instantly (see this issue and this issue)
  • to use different formats for each DatePicker


Support - Angular 15+ (Reactive Forms) Request - on github


This component relies on a hack consisting of the modification of a private field within the Angular Material DatePicker component. Be aware that a breaking change could happen on any future update from the Angular Material team

Table of contents

Browser support

IE / Edge IE / Edge Firefox Firefox Chrome Chrome Safari Safari Opera Opera
IE11, Edge latest latest latest latest



  • Angular 18 Support
  • All features from the native Angular Material DatePicker.....and one more
  • Update your DatePicker date formats at runtime (including the calendar popup labels)
  • Support only MomentDateAdapter
  • Support DateRangePicker

What's next?


NgxGaewynnDatePicker demo


ngx-gaewynn-datepicker is available via npm and yarn

Using npm:

$ npm install ngx-gaewynn-datepicker --save

Using yarn:

$ yarn add ngx-gaewynn-datepicker

Using angular-cli:

$ ng add ngx-gaewynn-datepicker

What's in?

Member Description
NgxGaewynnDatePickerModule The module handling DatePickers. To import in each module using the component
NgxGaewynnDateRangePickerModule The module handling DateRangePickers. To import in each module using the component
NgxGaewynnDatePickerService A service allowing to manage the date pickers formats and the configuration
NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION A token providing your formats configuration


  • initials: represents a collection of links between a datepicker (or date range picker) and the locale it will use
	// All components with a group binding set to "group1" will be initialized using the format name "format-1" defined in the NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION
	{ group: "group1", format: "format-1" },

	// All components with a group binding set to "group2" will be initialized using the format name "format-2" defined in the NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION
	{ group: "group2", format: "format-2" }
  • formats: represents the formats to use for each locale of your application
	// Formats that will be used when updating to "format-1"
		format: "format-1",
		locale: "fr",
		momentDateFormats: {
			parse: {
				dateInput: "DD.MM.YYYY",
			display: {
				dateInput: "DD.MM.YYYY",
				monthYearLabel: "MMM.YYYY",
				dateA11yLabel: "DD.MM.YYYY",
				monthYearA11yLabel: "MMM.YYYY",
	// Formats that will be used when updating to "format-2"
		format: "format-2",
		locale: "en",
		momentDateFormats: {
			parse: {
				dateInput: "YYYY-MM-DD",
			display: {
				dateInput: "YYYY-MM-DD",
				monthYearLabel: "MMM/YYYY",
				dateA11yLabel: "YYYY-MM-DD",
				monthYearA11yLabel: "MMM/YYYY",

An example of a whole configuration will then be as follow:

export  const  GaewynnDatePickerConfiguration: NgxGaewynnDatePickerConfiguration= {
	initials: [{ group: "group1", format: "format-1" }, { group: "group2", format: "format-2" }],
	formats: [{
		format: "format-1",
		locale: "fr",
		momentDateFormats: {
			parse: {
				dateInput: "DD.MM.YYYY",
			display: {
				dateInput: "DD.MM.YYYY",
				monthYearLabel: "MMM.YYYY",
				dateA11yLabel: "DD.MM.YYYY",
				monthYearA11yLabel: "MMM.YYYY",
	}, {
		format: "format-2",
		locale: "en",
		momentDateFormats: {
			parse: {
				dateInput: "YYYY-MM-DD",
			display: {
				dateInput: "YYYY-MM-DD",
				monthYearLabel: "MMM/YYYY",
				dateA11yLabel: "YYYY-MM-DD",
				monthYearA11yLabel: "MMM/YYYY",


NgxGaewynnDatePicker is only a wrapper around the Angular Material Datepicker, so just wrap your Angular Material Datepicker inside the <ngx-gaewynn-datepicker> or the <ngx-gaewynn-date-range-picker>.

It relies on ReactiveForms, so needs to be included in a FormGroup

Basic usage

  1. Inject the NgxGaewynnDatePickerModule (and/or the NgxGaewynnDateRangePickerModule) in each modules using the component and define a configuration for your datepickers (see What's in?). This configuration will be provided using the NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION token in your AppModule
// ...  
import { NgxGaewynnDatePickerModule, NgxGaewynnDateRangePickerModule, NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION } from  'NgxGaewynnDatePicker';
	imports: [
		// ...     		
	providers: [
		// ...
		// GaewynnDatePickerConfiguration is the configuration as described
		// You can use "useFactory" or "useClass" to provide the configuration
		{ provide: NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION, useValue: GaewynnDatePickerConfiguration}
export class AppModule { }
  1. Add the <ngx-gaewynn-datepicker> and/or the <ngx-gaewynn-date-range-picker> to your template
<div [formGroup]="ngxGaewynnDatePickerForm">
	<!-- the [group] binding indicate which format will be used for this datepicker (see "What's in?" -->
	<ngx-gaewynn-datepicker [group]="'group1'">
		<mat-form-field appearance="fill">
			<mat-label>{{ Your hint }}</mat-label>
			<input  matInput [formControl]="customDateFormControl" [matDatepicker]="picker">
			<mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="picker"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
			<mat-datepicker #picker></mat-datepicker>

	<!-- For a DateRangePicker -->
	<ngx-gaewynn-date-range-picker  [group]="'group1'">
		<mat-form-field  appearance="fill">
			<mat-label>{{ mockService.getRangePlaceholder(1) }}</mat-label>
			<mat-date-range-input  [rangePicker]="rangePicker1">
				<input  matStartDate  [formControl]="customRangeDateFromFormControl1"  placeholder="Start date">
				<input  matEndDate  [formControl]="customRangeDateToFormControl1"  placeholder="End date">
			<mat-hint>{{ mockService.hintGroup1 }} – {{ mockService.hintGroup1 }}</mat-hint>
			<mat-datepicker-toggle  matIconSuffix  [for]="rangePicker1"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
			<mat-date-range-picker  #rangePicker1></mat-date-range-picker>
  1. Inject the NgxGaewynnDatePickerService in each component using the <ngx-gaewynn-datepicker> (or the <ngx-gaewynn-date-range-picker>) component and call the function "init()" to initialize all datepickers with their initials formats
	selector: 'app-root',
	templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

	constructor(private readonly _ngxGaewynnDatePickerService: NgxGaewynnDatePickerService) { }

	public ngOnInit(): void {
  1. Trigger the update of your format whenever you want
	selector: 'app-root',
	templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

	constructor(private readonly _ngxGaewynnDatePickerService: NgxGaewynnDatePickerService) { }

	public ngOnInit(): void {

	public updateFormats(): void {

		// This will apply the format named "format-2" in your 
		// NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION on all datepickers binded to "group1"
		this._ngxGaewynnDatePickerService.updateFormats("format-2", "group1");

Advanced usage

In more complex scenarios, it could happen that using the NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION at the application startup as a provider is not a solution. In such cases, you can initialize the configuration programmatically using the NgxGaewynnDatePickerService and the functions "initConfiguration()" and "addFormat()".


ngx-gaewynn-datepicker will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. Releases will be numbered with the following format:


For more information on SemVer, please visit


Arnaud Fischer



ngx-gaewynn-datepicker is MIT licensed.

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  • gaewynn