An Angular Material Component wrapping the Angular Material Datepicker and allowing
- to update the date formats at runtime and instantly (see this issue and this issue)
- to use different formats for each DatePicker
This component relies on a hack consisting of the modification of a private field within the Angular Material DatePicker component. Be aware that a breaking change could happen on any future update from the Angular Material team
IE / Edge | Firefox | Chrome | Safari | Opera |
IE11, Edge | latest | latest | latest | latest |
- Angular 18 Support
- All features from the native Angular Material DatePicker.....and one more
- Update your DatePicker date formats at runtime (including the calendar popup labels)
- Support only MomentDateAdapter
- Support DateRangePicker
- If you find it useful, just ask ;)
ngx-gaewynn-datepicker is available via npm and yarn
Using npm:
$ npm install ngx-gaewynn-datepicker --save
Using yarn:
$ yarn add ngx-gaewynn-datepicker
Using angular-cli:
$ ng add ngx-gaewynn-datepicker
Member | Description |
NgxGaewynnDatePickerModule | The module handling DatePickers. To import in each module using the component |
NgxGaewynnDateRangePickerModule | The module handling DateRangePickers. To import in each module using the component |
NgxGaewynnDatePickerService | A service allowing to manage the date pickers formats and the configuration |
NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION | A token providing your formats configuration |
- initials: represents a collection of links between a datepicker (or date range picker) and the locale it will use
// All components with a group binding set to "group1" will be initialized using the format name "format-1" defined in the NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION
{ group: "group1", format: "format-1" },
// All components with a group binding set to "group2" will be initialized using the format name "format-2" defined in the NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION
{ group: "group2", format: "format-2" }
- formats: represents the formats to use for each locale of your application
// Formats that will be used when updating to "format-1"
format: "format-1",
locale: "fr",
momentDateFormats: {
parse: {
dateInput: "DD.MM.YYYY",
display: {
dateInput: "DD.MM.YYYY",
monthYearLabel: "MMM.YYYY",
dateA11yLabel: "DD.MM.YYYY",
monthYearA11yLabel: "MMM.YYYY",
// Formats that will be used when updating to "format-2"
format: "format-2",
locale: "en",
momentDateFormats: {
parse: {
dateInput: "YYYY-MM-DD",
display: {
dateInput: "YYYY-MM-DD",
monthYearLabel: "MMM/YYYY",
dateA11yLabel: "YYYY-MM-DD",
monthYearA11yLabel: "MMM/YYYY",
An example of a whole configuration will then be as follow:
export const GaewynnDatePickerConfiguration: NgxGaewynnDatePickerConfiguration= {
initials: [{ group: "group1", format: "format-1" }, { group: "group2", format: "format-2" }],
formats: [{
format: "format-1",
locale: "fr",
momentDateFormats: {
parse: {
dateInput: "DD.MM.YYYY",
display: {
dateInput: "DD.MM.YYYY",
monthYearLabel: "MMM.YYYY",
dateA11yLabel: "DD.MM.YYYY",
monthYearA11yLabel: "MMM.YYYY",
}, {
format: "format-2",
locale: "en",
momentDateFormats: {
parse: {
dateInput: "YYYY-MM-DD",
display: {
dateInput: "YYYY-MM-DD",
monthYearLabel: "MMM/YYYY",
dateA11yLabel: "YYYY-MM-DD",
monthYearA11yLabel: "MMM/YYYY",
NgxGaewynnDatePicker is only a wrapper around the Angular Material Datepicker, so just wrap your Angular Material Datepicker inside the <ngx-gaewynn-datepicker> or the <ngx-gaewynn-date-range-picker>.
It relies on ReactiveForms, so needs to be included in a FormGroup
- Inject the NgxGaewynnDatePickerModule (and/or the NgxGaewynnDateRangePickerModule) in each modules using the component and define a configuration for your datepickers (see What's in?). This configuration will be provided using the NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION token in your AppModule
// ...
import { NgxGaewynnDatePickerModule, NgxGaewynnDateRangePickerModule, NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION } from 'NgxGaewynnDatePicker';
imports: [
// ...
providers: [
// ...
// GaewynnDatePickerConfiguration is the configuration as described
// You can use "useFactory" or "useClass" to provide the configuration
{ provide: NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION, useValue: GaewynnDatePickerConfiguration}
export class AppModule { }
- Add the <ngx-gaewynn-datepicker> and/or the <ngx-gaewynn-date-range-picker> to your template
<div [formGroup]="ngxGaewynnDatePickerForm">
<!-- the [group] binding indicate which format will be used for this datepicker (see "What's in?" -->
<ngx-gaewynn-datepicker [group]="'group1'">
<mat-form-field appearance="fill">
<mat-label>{{ Your hint }}</mat-label>
<input matInput [formControl]="customDateFormControl" [matDatepicker]="picker">
<mat-datepicker-toggle matSuffix [for]="picker"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
<mat-datepicker #picker></mat-datepicker>
<!-- For a DateRangePicker -->
<ngx-gaewynn-date-range-picker [group]="'group1'">
<mat-form-field appearance="fill">
<mat-label>{{ mockService.getRangePlaceholder(1) }}</mat-label>
<mat-date-range-input [rangePicker]="rangePicker1">
<input matStartDate [formControl]="customRangeDateFromFormControl1" placeholder="Start date">
<input matEndDate [formControl]="customRangeDateToFormControl1" placeholder="End date">
<mat-hint>{{ mockService.hintGroup1 }} – {{ mockService.hintGroup1 }}</mat-hint>
<mat-datepicker-toggle matIconSuffix [for]="rangePicker1"></mat-datepicker-toggle>
<mat-date-range-picker #rangePicker1></mat-date-range-picker>
- Inject the NgxGaewynnDatePickerService in each component using the <ngx-gaewynn-datepicker> (or the <ngx-gaewynn-date-range-picker>) component and call the function "init()" to initialize all datepickers with their initials formats
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private readonly _ngxGaewynnDatePickerService: NgxGaewynnDatePickerService) { }
public ngOnInit(): void {
- Trigger the update of your format whenever you want
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {
constructor(private readonly _ngxGaewynnDatePickerService: NgxGaewynnDatePickerService) { }
public ngOnInit(): void {
public updateFormats(): void {
// This will apply the format named "format-2" in your
// NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION on all datepickers binded to "group1"
this._ngxGaewynnDatePickerService.updateFormats("format-2", "group1");
In more complex scenarios, it could happen that using the NGX_GAEWYNN_DATEPICKER_CONFIGURATION at the application startup as a provider is not a solution. In such cases, you can initialize the configuration programmatically using the NgxGaewynnDatePickerService and the functions "initConfiguration()" and "addFormat()".
ngx-gaewynn-datepicker will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. Releases will be numbered with the following format:
For more information on SemVer, please visit
Arnaud Fischer
- Inspired by marcgrabow for his "dirty hack to change the display dateInput dateformat", but that works for now 😄
- Inspired by mohamedelshorbagy on usage of zonejs in his comment
ngx-gaewynn-datepicker is MIT licensed.