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2.0.1-next.0 • Public • Published


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An Angular module wrapping the Airtable API


Install via npm:

npm install ngx-airtable --save

or install via yarn

yarn add ngx-airtable


Import NgxAirtableModule

import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { NgxAirtableModule } from 'ngx-airtable';
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

Global configuration

If you want to have a global configuration you can provide an option config when importing the module:

NgxAirtableModule.forRoot({ apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY' })

The API key is the only configuration value which has to be provided (either globally or by usage (using configure())). The endpoint url and the api version are provided with the following default values:

  • endpointUrl: ''
  • apiVersion: 0

If you want to you can overwrite them (either globally or by usage (using configure()).


This module is providing the same functionality as the official Airtable JavaScript Library airtable.js as of v0.5.0.

Airtable (Service)


  • configure(opts: AirtableConfiguration): Airtable: provides the configuration or overrides the global configuration used to connect to the Airtable API
  • base(baseId: string): Base: creates a new Base instance identified by id


  • options: AirtableConfiguration: provides an accessor for the options object passed to the configure method



  • table(tableOpts: {tableName?: string; tableId?: string;}): Table: creates a new Table instance identified by name or id


  • baseId: string: provides an accessor for the Base's id
  • airtable: Airtable: provides an accessor for the overlaying Airtable instance



  • find(id: string): Observable<any>: fetches a record identified by id
  • select(params?: SelectParams): Query: creates a new Query instance with the given parameters
  • create(entityData: any): Observable<any>: creates a new entity
  • update(id: string, entityData: any): Observable<any>: updated an entity identified by id with the given data
  • destroy(id: string): Observable<any>: deletes an entity identified by id
  • replace(id: string, entityData: any): Observable<any>: replaces an entity identified by id with the given data


  • base: Base: provides an accessor for the overlaying Base instance
  • urlEncodedNameOrId: string: provides an accessor for the url-friendly encoded Table name or id



  • firstPage(): Observable<any>: fetches the first page (if pageSize is omitted => max. 100 records)
  • eachPage(): Observable<any>: fetches each page (all records but each page is emitted separately)
  • all(): Observable<any>: fetches all pages and emits all records at once


  • apiKey?: string: provides the API key to access Airtable
  • endpointUrl?: string: the API endpoint to hit. You might want to override it if you are using an API proxy (e.g. to debug your API calls
  • apiVersion?: number: the API version


Extends Table

The LinkedTable does the same - according to data fetching - as the Table but it can handle entity relations while fetching. Take a look at the DEMO. What the LinkedTableis not capable of are entity modifications - create, update, delete.


  • static fromTable(origin: Table, links: Link[]): LinkedTable: creates a new LinkedTable instance using the provided origin Table and the given links
  • find(id: string): Observable<any>: fetches a record identified by id with its related entities
  • select(params?: SelectParams): LinkedQuery: creates a new LinkedQuery instance with the given parameters


Extends Query

The LinkedQuery does the same - according to data fetching - as the Query but it can handle entity relations while fetching. Take a look at the DEMO.


  • firstPage(): Observable<any>: fetches the first page (if pageSize is omitted => max. 100 records) with its related entities
  • eachPage(): Observable<any>: fetches each page (all records but each page is emitted separately) with its related entities
  • all(): Observable<any>: fetches all pages and emits all records at once with its related entities


  • fields?: string[]: limits the fetched fields per record
  • filterByFormula?: string: a formula used to filter the records
  • maxRecords?: number: limits the maximum record count
  • pageSize?: number: The number of records returned in each request. Must be less than or equal to 100. Default is 100.
  • sort?: SortParam[]: specifying sorting rules by field and direction
  • view?: string: the name or id of the view to fetch


  • field: string: the name of the field to sort
  • direction: SortDirection: the direction to sort


  • type SortDirection = 'asc' | 'desc'

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