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0.0.4 • Public • Published

Show DFP ads in your Angular X App now !

How to use:

Insert in your index.html this line to load google DFP lib:

<script async='async' src=''></script>

Then install ngx-ad-dfp:

$ npm install ngx-ad-dfp

Import the module to your app :

import {NgxAdDfpModule} from 'ngx-ad-dfp';
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    NgxAdDfpModule // Add this!
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Create a settings object with your DFP credentials like this:

  "network": "yourNetworkId",
  "ads": [{
    "tag": "yourAdTag",
    "id": "yourAdUnitId",
    "mappings": [{
      "device": {
        "width": 0,
        "height": 0
      "ad": {
        "width": 320,
        "height": 50
      "device": {
        "width": 750,
        "height": 200
      "ad": {
        "width": 728,
        "height": 90

You can define multiple ads and create multiple sizes of the same ad, then show them according to user's screen size. To do so with this library, you should in the "mapping" array define for each mapping : The device minimum width and height, the ad's size you want to show (need to be exact)

Actually showing the ad:

Add in any of your component this html tag :

<ad-dfp [settings]="settings" [ad]="ad"></ad-dfp>

Where settings is the json we created just before, and ad is one of the ads in the ads property of settings

For example you could do:

<ad-dfp *ngFor="let ad of" [settings]="settings" [ad]="ad"></ad-dfp>

This will show all your ads one under the other

You can also:

<ad-dfp [settings]="settings" [ad]="[0]"></ad-dfp>

This will show the first ad you defined.

Check out my example app on GitHub if you need any more help :)

Happy coding!

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  • alaborderie