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1.2.1 • Public • Published

NgRx Utils

This is a library provide cli tools, util functions, decorators to help reduce boilerplate and speedup your devs when working with ngrx using class based Action approach.

Inspired from ngrx-actions by @amcdnl

After version 1.2.0, We have decided to move codebase to monorepo for a bigger project, with full features cli, and support more store util functions, operators...

You can track the work of new project at

What in the box?

  • ofAction pipeable operator. It will accept class based actions as parameters. Why this is better than ofType, default operator from @ngrx/effects? . Although ngrx/schematics and ngrx/codegen will give you tools to automatically generate some boilerplate and scaffolding enum action, reducer... for your app, it will also add a fairly large amount lines of code into your codebase. Using const or enum to store action type like this:

    export enum AuthActionType {
      Login = '[Auth] Login',
      Logout = '[Auth] Logout',
      LoginSuccess = '[Auth] Login Success',
      LoginFail = '[Auth] Login Fail',
      RetrieveAuth = '[Auth] Retrieve Auth',
      RetrieveAuthSuccess = '[Auth] Retrieve Auth Success',
      RetrieveAuthFail = '[Auth] Retrieve Auth Fail'
    • When using ngrx/effect, You will have to cast type to have the correct action type because ofType only accept string. This seems acceptable, but sometimes your code look awful when there are 3 or 4 actions with same effects:
    getCoilItems$ = this.actions$
      .ofType<GetEnvItems | GetAccItems | RefreshEnvItems | RefreshAccItems>(
    • According to ngrx/codegen proposal, to have a nice type inference in your effect ofType and get rid of this type casting, ngrx/codegen will use interface base Action, and generate a lookup type, which is another enum includes all action type value:
    interface LoginAction extends Action {
      type: '[Auth] Login';
      payload: any;
    export type AuthActions = 
      | LoginAction
      | LogoutAction
      | LoginSuccess
      | LoginFail
      | Retrieve
      | RetrieveSuccess
      | RetrieveFail;
    export type AuthActionLookup = {
      '[Auth] Login': LoginAction;
      '[Auth] Logout': LogoutAction;
      '[Auth] Login Success': LoginSuccess;
      '[Auth] Login Fail': LoginFail;
      '[Auth] Retrieve Auth': Retrieve;
      '[Auth] Retrieve Auth Success': RetrieveSuccess;
      '[Auth] Retrieve Auth Fail': RetrieveFail;

    We really feel this is like duplicating your action type enum :(

    • And with all of this, you will have very nice type inference and safe type checking but the trade off is when your app scale up, a huge amount of boilerplate will be generated too. Thanks to ofAction pipeable operator, You now can get rid of all those boilerplate and type inference is "just work". Since ngrx-utils 1.2.0, ofAction operator will smartly infer all Action type and you won't have to use type cast anymore.


  • How about reducer? Do I have to type string manually in switch block? Don't worry about it. Thanks to smart infer type of typescript and nice auto completion feature, we now can have auto complete action type without an enum or const. If you are using VSCode, add this config to your settings to show suggestions within string quote:
    "other": true,
    "comments": true,
    "strings": true

Then when you type case '', and trigger quick suggestion shortcut Ctrl + Space.


  • Since version 1.1.0, ngrx-utils come with an builtin ngrx command to generate all boilerplate for you. All you have to do is just create Action Class declaration file like this:


import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
export class GetUsers implements Action {
  readonly type = '[User] Get Users';
  constructor(public payload: string) {}
export class RefreshUsers implements Action {
  readonly type = '[User] Refresh Users';
  constructor(public payload: string) {}
  • Then use ngrx command to generate Union Type for you. Since version 1.2.0, we have added support optionally generate reducer function with -r option.
# npx ngrx [g | generate] [a | action] [-r | --reducer] path/to/action 
npx ngrx g a -r path/to/user.action.ts
  • This will generate user.action.generated.ts in the same folder with user.action.ts
import { GetUsers, RefreshUsers } from './user.action';
export type UserActions = GetUsers | RefreshUsers;
// with -r option
export function userReducer(state: any, action: UserActions): any {
  case '[User] Get User':
    return {
  case '[User] Refresh User':
    return {
    return state;

This command actually is a modified version of @ngrx/codegen to accept class base action.

  • @Select decorator. This is always in the wish list of developers in the first days of ngrx. No more this.prop =* some prop */) in your Component, now you can use @Select decorator instead as describe below).

Note: The Select decorator has a limitation is it lack of type checking due to TypeScript#4881.

Getting Started


npm i ngrx-utils -S
# or 
yarn add ngrx-utils

Then in your app.module.ts (Only Add this code to your AppModule), connect ngrx-utils to your store:

import { NgrxSelect, NgrxUtilsModule } from 'ngrx-utils';
import { Store } from '@ngrx/store';
  imports: [, /* ... */ NgrxUtilsModule]
export class AppModule {
  constructor(ngrxSelect: NgrxSelect, store: Store<any>) {

And you can start using it in any component. It also works with feature stores too. You don't have to do anything in your feature module. Don't forget to invoke the connect function when you are writing tests.


@Select decorator has the same API with method, with 1 more feature is it accepts a (deep) path string. This looks like:

export class MyComponent {
  /** use property name when there is no specified
   * same as this.myFeature ='myFeature')
  @Select() myFeature: Observable<any>;
  /** use '.' to separate properties to get from store
   * equivalent with:
   * const getMyFeature = createFeatureSelect('myFeature');
   * const getMyProp = createSelect(getMyFeature, state => state.myProp);
   * ... In your component class
   * this.myProp =;
  @Select('myFeature.myProp') myProp: Observable<any>;
  /* does same way as'myFeature', 'anotherProp') */
  @Select('myFeature', 'anotherProp')
  anotherProp: Observable<any>;
  /* use selectors composed by createSelector */
  @Select(fromStore.getMyWifeProp) myWifeProp: Observable<Dangerous | null>;


  • You can use ofAction operator instead of ofType to filter your Action type in Effect:
import { ofAction } from 'ngrx-utils';
import { Actions, Effect } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { switchMap, map, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import { RouterGo } from '../../rootStore';
import { GetUser, RefreshUser, GetUserSuccess, GetUserFail } from '../actions';
export class MyEffects {
  constructor(private actions$: Actions, private myService: MyService) {}
  getUser$ = this.actions$.pipe(
    ofAction(GetUser, RefreshUser),
    /* dont have to cast action type when there are multi actions */
    switchMap((action) /* GetUser | RefreshUser */ =>
        .pipe(map(res => new GetUserSuccess(res)), catchError(err => of(new GetUserFail(err)))))
  getUserSuccess$ = this.actions$.pipe(
    /* automatically infer GetUserSuccess action type */
    map(action => new RouterGo({ path: [action.payload] }))
  • Migrate from 1.1


getUser$ = this.actions$.pipe(
  ofAction<GetUser | RefreshUser>(GetUser, RefreshUser),
  /* cast action type when there are multi actions */
  switchMap(action =>
      .pipe(map(res => new GetUserSuccess(res)), catchError(err => of(new GetUserFail(err))))

after: remove the type casting

getUser$ = this.actions$.pipe(
  ofAction(GetUser, RefreshUser),
  switchMap(action /* action will have type GetUser | RefreshUser */ =>
      .pipe(map(res => new GetUserSuccess(res)), catchError(err => of(new GetUserFail(err))))

What's different with ngrx-actions?

  • Only provide @Select and ofAction pipeable operator. We really feel that @Store, createReducer and @Action from ngrx-actions increase much more boilerplate when using it in our app.
  • No need reflect-metadata as a dependency

See changelog for latest changes.

Common Questions

  • Will this work with normal Redux? While its designed for Angular and NGRX it would work perfectly fine for normal Redux. If that gets requested, I'll be happy to add better support too.
  • Do I have to rewrite my entire app to use this? No, you can use this in combination with the traditional switch statements or whatever you are currently doing.
  • Does it support AoT? Yes but see above example for details on implementation.
  • Does this work with NGRX Dev Tools? Yes, it does.
  • How does it work with testing? Everything should work the same way but don't forget if you use the selector tool to include that in your test runner though.


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  • sandangel