$ npm i nghost
Allows you to host web files such as the files generated by Angular from ng build --prod
Default content type
Name | Content type | Encodage type |
html | text/html | text |
javascript | application/javascript | text |
style sheet | text/css | text |
favicon | image/x-icon | binary |
Javascript notation | application/json | text |
Web Open Font Format | application/font-woff woff | binary |
Web Open Font Format 2 | application/font-woff2 | binary |
Embedded OpenType | application/ eot | binary |
True Type | application/octet-stream | binary |
Map | application/octet-stream | binary |
MPEG-4 | video/mp4 | binary |
Adobe Flash | video/x-flv | binary |
Scalable Vector Graphics | image/svg+xml | binary |
Jpg | image/jpg | binary |
Jpeg | image/jpeg | binary |
Png | image/png | binary |
How to use
var nghost = require("nghost");
//Set Options
var options = {
publicFolder: __dirname + "/dist",
port: 8080,
favicon: __dirname + "/dist/favicon.ico",
//Init Server
//nghost() function return Express application server.
var app = nghost(options);
//It's Done, Have a fun
Here is all options params.
var options = {
publicFolder: path.join(__dirname, 'public'),
hostname: 'localhost',
favicon: path.join(__dirname, 'favicon.ico'),
port: 80,
https: false,
key: path.join(__dirname, 'security', 'server.key'),
cert: path.join(__dirname, 'security', 'server.crt'),
ca: path.join(__dirname, "security", "chain.pem"),
bodyParser: true,
encode: 'utf-8',
session: '',
contents: [
//all content filter
gets: [],
posts: [],
puts: [],
deletes: [],
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept",
simpleAuth: {
enable: false,
username: "",
password: "",
allowip: []
auth0: { //Auth0 login
enable: false,
NgHost and Auth0
Default login system are append in project, "Auth0". For starting to use, change state of options.auth0.enable to true and complete your tenant information. If you not have, create an account on ""
Reserved route
- (hostname):(port)/login
- (hostname):(port)/logout
How it work
once logged user information stored in req.oidc.user, and auth status can check in req.oidc.isAuthenticated()
Simple Auth
Basic authorisation to acces on the web page.
simpleAuth: {
enable: false,
username: "",
password: "",
allowip: []
Set enable to true and define username, password.
if you want allow specific ip or network, add it in allowip
allowip: [
in this example, ip and all 10.0.0.* client can access without password.
To Add new requests, you must specify it in the Gets or Posts array in the options
//Traditionnal get and post
app.get("/foo", function(req, res){
console.log("Your request is:", req.url);
})"/foo", function(req, res){
console.log("your post var is:", req.body);
//nghost get and post
var options = {
key: "/foo",//regex
function: function (req, res) {
console.log("Your request is:", req.url);
key: "/foo",//regex
function: function (req, res) {
console.log("your post var is:", req.body);
Do not forget to add req and res arguments.
To Add new content-Type
var options = {
contents: [
key: /\.html$/,
type: 'text',
contentType: 'text/html'
Place all web file in your specified public folder.
Change Log
######v. 1.0.2
- debug: add body-parser for getting post value
//new options
var options = {
bodyParser: true, // True or False
######v. 1.0.3
- add: Session management
//new options
var options = {
######v. 1.0.5
- debug: correction Post and Get Matching
######v. 1.0.10
- debug: correction regex matching Post and Get in query
######v. 1.0.11
- debug: correction binary content type
######v. 1.0.12
- add: Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers params added
######v. 1.1.0
- add: Auth0 authentification
- debug: options merge
- debug: binary content-type
######v. 1.1.7
- add: Simple authentification
######v. 1.1.10
- add: Https protocol Change https to true and set key and cert location
######v. 1.1.13
- add: put,delete request
######v. 1.1.15
- add: option ca for https credential