Angular2 Popup(ModaL) directive

Plunker Example:"
install ng2-popup
$ npm install ng2-popup --save
to yoursystemjs.config.js
map['ng2-popup'] = 'node_modules/ng2-popup/dist'; packages['ng2-popup'] = { main: 'ng2-popup.umd.js', defaultExtension: 'js' }
import Ng2PopupModule to your AppModule
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { FormsModule } from "@angular/forms"; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { Ng2PopupModule } from 'ng2-popup'; @NgModule({ imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule, Ng2PopupModule], declarations: [AppComponent], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule { }
For full example, please check out test
directory to see the example of;
- and
Use it in your code
<ng2-popup #popup></ng2-popup>,
To open/close popup from your component, add ViewChild line into your component
export class AppComponent {
@ViewChild(Ng2PopupComponent) popup: Ng2PopupComponent;
openPopup() {, {
title: 'My Title',
message: 'My Message'
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- Updating
- Improving code comments
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In result of your active contribution, you will be listed as a core contributor on, and a member of ng2-ui too.
If you are interested in becoming a contributor and/or a member of ng-ui,
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with your github id.
Ng2PopupCompoment Properties and functions
open(compoment, options)
opens popup with the given compnent and options-
component: Component Any component. To open a message popup, use
There are two properties will be added when a component is used with open function
- popup: instance of Ng2PopupComponent, so that you can open and close the popup within your component
- popupOptions: options passed from open function
- classNames: string of class names that will be use for popup. e.g. 'small', 'large', 'my-class', etc
- closeButton: default true. if false, there will be no close button
For Ng2MessagePopupComponent
- title: Title string
- message: message string
- buttons: button functions. e.g.
{ OK: () => { this.message = "Ok button is pressed"; }, CANCEL: () => { this.message = "Cancel button is pressed"; this.popup.close(); } }
close() closes the currently opened popup.
For Developers
To start
$ git clone
$ cd ng2-popup
$ npm install
$ npm start
Run locally and test it
build and run
For Windows Environment (in CMD) $ .\build.cmd
For Mac Environment (in terminal) $ ./
start the server
$ npm start