
3.1.2 • Public • Published


unprefixed-intl wrapper for Next.js => en url => es url => en-GB url

the translations will be read on the server side, in the example of this README using Accept Language Header


Add an unprefixed-intl.config.json file to the project root:

  "messagesPath": "/src/messages",
  "defaultLang": "en",
  "maxAcceptedLanguageSearch": 3,
  "allowLanguageCode": true

That will result in the interface (will be used by the package):

interface Config{
    /** Path for the `messages` folder, that will alloc the .json files with the translations, (en-US.json, ...) */
    /** The default language, that will be used if the preferred language was not found */
    /** From the list of preferred languages a loop will be run to look for the best match available, this is the
     * limit of iterations this loop can do */
    /** If true: if the complete code is not found, the language code can be used instead, e.g. if the preferred
     * language is `en-US`, but there is no `en-US.json` file but rather a ` en.json`, it will be used */

Add the translation files inside the messagesPath directory:

en language example: /src/messages/en.json

  "Home.component1": {
    "hello_message": "Hello! Welcome!",
    "phrase": "I just got my driver's license, and now I need to get gas for my truck. In the fall, I'll enroll in college, and I'll make sure to check the schedule of my favorite soccer team."
  "Home.component2": {
    "popup.warning_message": "Remember that the default translation file, defined in `defaultLang`, must exist!"

es language example: /src/messages/es.json

  "Home.component1": {
    "hello_message": "¡Hola! ¡Sea bienvenido!",
    "phrase": "Acabo de obtener mi licencia de conducir y ahora necesito gasolina para mi camión. En el otoño, me inscribiré en la universidad y me aseguraré de consultar el calendario de mi equipo de fútbol favorito."
  "Home.component2": {
    "popup.warning_message": "Recuerde que el archivo de traducción predeterminado, definido en `defaultLang`, ¡debe existir!"

en-GB language example: /src/messages/en-GB.json

  "Home.component1": {
    "hello_message": "Hello! Welcome!",
    "phrase": "I've just got my driving licence, and now I need to get petrol for my lorry. In the autumn, I'll enrol in university, and I'll make sure to check the timetable of my favourite football team."
  "Home.component2": {
    "popup.warning_message": "Remember that the default translation file, defined in `defaultLang`, must exist!"

In the place you want to read the translations:

this example is using Next.js, but it can be in any Node.js project if you use the original package:


import { getTranslations } from "next-unprefixed-intl"

export default function Home() {
    here you will receive the function that returns the 
    translations, based on a path (`"Home.component1"`), 
    and with the accept language header provided by the 
    "next/headers" import
    const t = getTranslations("Home.component1")

    return (

In addition

You can use generate to generate files based in translations api, in that example, the Google Cloud Translate api

import { generate } from "next-unprefixed-intl"
import { v2 } from "@google-cloud/translate"

const CREDENTIALS = JSON.parse(/*secret, check the Google Cloud Translation api for more info*/)

const translate = new v2.Translate({
    credentials: CREDENTIALS,
    projectId: CREDENTIALS.project_id,

async function translateTextFromSource(
    text: string,
    sourceLanguage: string,
    targetLanguage: string,
) {
    const [response] = await translate.translate(text, {
        from: sourceLanguage,
        to: targetLanguage,
    return response

const fromLanguage = "en"
        //["en", "en"], // English
        ["zh", "zh"], // Chinese Mandarin
        ["hi", "hi"], // Hindi
        ["es", "es"], // Spanish
        ["fr", "fr"], // French
        ["ar", "ar"], // Arabic
        ["bn", "bn"], // Bengali
        ["ru", "ru"], // Russian
        ["pt-BR", "pt"], // Portuguese from Brazil
        ["pt-PT", "pt-PT"], // Portuguese from Portugal
        ["pt", "pt"], // Portuguese
        ["id", "id"], // Indonesian
        ["de", "de"], // German
        ["ja", "ja"], // Japanese
        ["ur", "ur"], // Urdu
        ["it", "it"], // Italian
        ["ko", "ko"], // Korean
        ["tr", "tr"], // Turkish
        ["vi", "vi"], // Vietnamese
        ["pl", "pl"], // Polish
        ["jv", "jv"], // Javanese
        ["pa", "pa"], // Punjabi
    (text, to) => translateTextFromSource(text, fromLanguage, to),
    (to) => {
        console.log(`Successfully generated ${to} translations.`)
        return true
    (error) => {
        console.error("Error during translation:", error)
        return false

You can use bestAvailableOption to read the preferred language, in this example the preferred language will be used to change the html language

import { bestAvailableOption } from "next-unprefixed-intl"

<html lang={bestAvailableOption()}>

Package Sidebar


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  • petalfan