A NestJS library to generate adaptive emails via JSX powered by mjml and send them via AWS SES
Added ability to customize sender per each send
emailService.send(emailFrom, emailTo, emailTemplate, { ...emailTemplateProps});
You can also configure the module and specify EmailFrom there, then this field will be used by default, but the variable in the send method will still overwrite this email if it is filled in.
from: emailFrom, // "Dev <dev@foo.com>" format also works
send: true, // Actually send email. It's assumed this is not always wanted aka dev.
global: true, // Optionally allow EmailService to be used globally without importing module
emailFrom example
emailFrom = '"Admin of my site" admin@gmail.com'
How it works
The rendering is powered by mjml with a React
This allows email templates & components to be created in a typesafe way while having the
complexities of email HTML handled by mjml.
The generated HTML runs through html-to-text
to automatically create a text version of the email.
Where needed, this ouput can be customized with our <InText>
and <HideInText>
After that a MIME message is composed via emailjs.
This merges the HTML, text, attachments, & headers (from, to, etc.) to a string.
With the MIME message finalized it is sent to SES via their
v3 SDK.
Their SDK allows for automatic configuration; compared to SMTP which
needs to be configured with an explicit server, username, and password.
All of this is wrapped in an NestJS module for easy integration.
There's also an open
option to open rendered HTML in browser, which can be useful for development.
Simple static
from: 'dev@foo.com', // "Dev <dev@foo.com>" format also works
send: true, // Actually send email. It's assumed this is not always wanted aka dev.
global: true, // Optionally allow EmailService to be used globally without importing module
See EmailModuleOptions for all options.
Async Configuration
More complex setups can use async configuration (standard to NestJS packages)
Factory function example
useFactory: async (foo: FooService) => ({
from: await foo.getFromAddress(),
import: [FooService],
Options class example
useClass: EmailConfig,
// or
useExisting: EmailConfig,
export class EmailConfig implements EmailOptionsFactory {
async createEmailOptions() {
return {
from: '',
Define a template
import * as Mjml from 'nestjs-email-fork/templates';
import { Mjml as MjmlRoot } from 'mjml-react';
import * as React from 'react';
export function ForgotPassword({ name, url }: { name: string, url: string }) {
return (
<MjmlRoot lang="en">
{/* Title also sets the subject */}
<Mjml.Title>Forgot Password</Mjml.Title>
<Mjml.Column padding={0}>
<Mjml.Text fontSize={24}>
Hey {name}, passwords are hard
If you requested this, confirm the password change
<Mjml.Button href={url}>CONFIRM</Mjml.Button>
This is a single component to show the complete picture. In actual usage it makes more sense to break this up into smaller components, just like would be done with React UIs.
For example, an <Email>
wrapping component could be created to wrap
root, Head
, Body
, setup theme, etc.
A <Heading>
component could turn the first section into a one liner.
Call it
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { EmailService } from 'nestjs-email-fork';
import { ForgotPassword } from './forgot-password.template';
export class UserService {
constructor(private email: EmailService) {}
async forgotPassword(emailAddress: string) {
const user = await lookupByEmail(emailAddress);
const emailFrom = '"Admin of my site" admin@gmail.com'
await this.email.send(emailFrom, user.email, ForgotPassword, {
// type safe parameters per template
name: user.name,
url: 'https://foo.com/signed-url/...',