This package has been deprecated

Author message:

The node based CLI is deprecated. Please uninstall older versions and install instead


2.4.6 • Public • Published



No more dependencies, pure PHP. This package is deprecated. Please use neoan3/cli instead.

NOTE: If you already have a node-version of neoan3 installed, please uninstall it prior to installing the PHP-version.

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Automate your neoan3 needs

Official neoan3 cli tool

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Creating new ...
    1. app
    2. component
    3. frame
    4. model
    5. transformer
  4. Installing (third party) scripts
  5. Reusing components/frames/models
  6. Handling credentials
  7. Database migration
  8. Publishing components/frames/models to be reused
  9. File creation templating
  10. Development server
  11. Reporting issues
  12. Collaboration


  • node & npm
  • composer


npm install -g neoan3-cli

Starting a new neoan3 application

  1. create a new folder and navigate into it

    e.g. mkdir myApp

    cd myApp

  2. run neoan3 new app command

    e.g. neoan3 new app myApp

  3. run in your local webserver

Note: The last parameter (e.g. myApp) should be the web-folder the app is run under. If you are running the instance on the root, please omit the last parameter. Deployment: It is likely that you will have to change the .htaccess (when running Apache) for your deployment target. In most cases, changing the RewriteBase should be enough.

new component

neoan3 new component [component-name]

This command will guide you through the creation of a new component, prefilling the controller according to your choices.

  • api (generates get & post functions using a particular frame)
  • route (generates init-functions resulting in the component acting as a valid route)
  • custom element (currently empty class)

new frame

neoan3 new frame [frame-name]

This command generates a new frame.

new model

neoan3 new model [model-name]

This command creates a new model.

new transformer

neoan3 new transformer [model-name]

This command creates a new transformer to an existing model. It is recommended to create a migration before executing this command. Don't forget to change the related model accordingly:

namespace Neoan3\Model;
use Neoan3\Apps\Transformer;
use Neoan3\Core\RouteException;
 * @method static create($array)
 * @method static find($array)
 * @method static get($id)
 * @method static update($array)
class MyModel extends IndexModel
    static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
        return Transformer::addMagic($name,$arguments);


neoan3 install [url]

This command executes external installation scripts in cases where composer cannot. In most cases you want to use "add" instead of "install" to ensure proper collaboration. This command is normally used to simplify installation of 3rd party applications.


neoan3 add [destination] [package] ([repository-endpoint])

Adding components makes the following assumptions:

  • the component is registered as a composer-package
  • it is either targeted at being a frame, a model or a component

for all other packages, please use the respective package manager (e.g. composer or npm) or version control system (e.g. GIT).

neoan3 apps are "regular" composer packages. Please include them using composer require


neoan3 add frame neoan3-frame/kit

You can also add the repository-endpoint parameter if you have private repositories or want to work without publishing to packagist. Please include the full url in these cases.

works with bitbucket & github


neoan3 add model custom-model/products

Please note that the name (here: custom-model/products) must be the name of specified in your composer.json of the neoan3-entity. See publish.


It is recommended to store static credentials (like smtp, API-tokens etc) outside the web root. This command attempts to mange such credentials in a folder "credentials" (sibling to web root) and a file credentials.json

neoan3 credentials

In its most simplistic form, a neoan3 implementation could look like this (in a frame):

$credentialFile = dirname(dirname(path)) . '/credentials/credentials.json';
if(file_exists($credentialFile)) {
    $this->credentials = json_decode(file_get_contents($credentialFile), true);


Currently supports SQL only.

neoan3 migrate models [direction]

Credentials: The tool will memorize your db-credentials (including your password, if confirmed by the user). When switching between multiple projects or databases, you may want to flush these credentials. The tool will suggest you to do so if a connection cannot be established, but you have to understand the implications of working with potentially wrong but valid credentials. Therefore, when working with multiple databases or projects, the command neoan3 migrate flush is recommended.

NOTE: These credentials are held by neoan3 directly. This does not assume nor require credentials set by credentials

When working with version control branches, the following workflow is recommended:

  • before checking out a different branch, migrate down and commit
  • after checking out a branch, migrate up

The migration is highly simplified and works in two directions.


neoan3 migrate config

Displays current local database settings. If no settings are present, the creation process starts.

migrate down

neoan3 migrate models down OR neoan3 migrate model [model-name] down

This generates migrate.jsons from the connected database structure. The following assumptions are made:

Tables starting with a particular model-name are associated with that model. Example: If a model "user" exists tables starting with "user" are considered. This would include table-names like "user", "user_password" or "userEmail". The recommended way for neoan3 is to follow a snake_case naming for tables and columns.

migrate up

neoan3 migrate models up OR neoan3 migrate model [model-name] up

This creates or alters tables in your connected database based on structural declarations present in your migrate.json files in the folder of models. It is important to know that removing a column in your declaration will NOT remove the column from the database, while adding a column will generate the column in your database.


publish [entity-type] [entity-name]


publish model user

The publish-command transforms a local neoan3 entity into a composer package. Dependencies are taken care of automatically. The command will also ask you whether you directly want to publish on github. To do so, please ensure:

  • you have git installed
  • you have registered you identity (config)
  • you have a valid token for the intended username
  • created a remote repository (e.g. via

Please refer to Git documentation in order to achieve the above.

Since you have a valid composer.json in your repository now, you may publish on packagist as well.


You can influence the generated output with templates. To do so, place a folder _template in your project. Basic variable support works with double curly braces without spaces ( {{name}} ) The following files are respected:

template file entity variable(s) Note
api.php component (API) name , frame
route.php component (Route) name , frame
view.html component (Route) name
ce.php Custom element name *PHP files for custom element is only generated if template is present
ce.js Custom element name
ce.html Custom element name
transformer.php Model transformer name, structure *Transformer usage requires neoan3-apps/transformer

Casing: By default variables are translated to PascalCase. Depending on your needs, you have the following possibilities for your casing:

Modifier Example Transformation
.lower {{name.lower}} Converts "name" to lower case
.camel {{name.camel}} Converts "name" to camelCase
.pascal {{name.pascal}} Forces PascalCase (for edge cases)

Development server shortcut

Running neoan3 develop will start the built-in PHP server using the provided router-script.

Reporting issues

The GitHub repo neoan3-cli is actively maintained. Please report issues there.

Collaborators wanted

Over 10.000 neoan3 applications are waiting for documentation. I'd love to have some people to help me:

  • document neoan3 (framework)
  • document neoan3-cli
  • document various neoan3 composer apps
  • create tutorials

If you are interested, please fel free to get in touch @







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