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2.0.2 • Public • Published

Welcome to NBatis2.0 !

This a node.js plugin about data persistence, if you used mybatis before, you'll learn it soon.. The plugin is given priority to with node mysql driver,at present. NBatis is mostly API compatible with mysql and supports majority of features. It also offers these additional features.

Table of contents


npm install nbatis --save


PS: It is recommended to use typescript to code your project. Make sure typescript is installed before this example. Please install the ts plug-in globally.

Create POJO
  • We can create a pojo class named UserSQL.ts. This class can help us to create test table in the database.
import { DBUtil } from 'nbatis';
export default class UserSQL {
    constructor() { = {
            type: 'int(11)',
            primary: true
        this.username = {
            type: 'varchar(255)',
            notNull: true,
            default: '',
            value: ()=>DBUtil.randomString('w', 'm')
        this.password = {
            type: 'varchar(255)',
            default: '',
            value: ()=>DBUtil.randomString('d', '', 6)
        this.gender = {
            type: 'char(1)',
            notNull: true,
            default: '',
            value: ()=>DBUtil.randomValueFromList(['M','F'])
        this.birthday = {
            type: 'Date',
            value: ()=>DBUtil.randomDateTimeString('1980-01-01', '2010-12-12', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
        }; = {
            type: 'varchar(255)',
            value: ()=>DBUtil.randomEmail()
        this.url = {
            type: 'varchar(255)',
            value: ()=>DBUtil.randomDomain()
        this.createTime = {
            type: 'DateTime',
            notNull: true,
            default: '#{NOW()}'
  • Each item in the table corresponds to each property of the pojo class, all of which are public and default value is a object. The object have several properties. These properties help us complete the SQL statement.
    type: '', //SQL data type, the type is string.
    primary: false, //To determine whether the property is a primary key, the type is boolean.
    notNull: false, //To determine whether the property is NOT NULL, the type is boolean.
    default: '', //SQL default value, the type is any.
    value: 0 //This property is used when bulk data is inserted. It can be of any type, most of the time it's a random function.
Create Unit Test Case
  • We use tunit which is a typescript unit test plugin here. First of all, to install tunit.
npm install tunit --save-dev
  • Second, create a entity class named FactoryTest.ts. Because a decorator in tunit is named Test so the name of the test class cannot be called "Test".
import path from 'path';
import { BeforeClass,Test,AfterClass,TUnit,Assert } from 'tunit';
import { SqlSessionFactory, DBUtil } from '../index';
import UserSQL from './UserSQL';
export default class FactoryTest {
   constructor() {
       this.session = null;
       this.factory = null;
   async init(next:Function) {
       try {
           const configrationFilePath = path.join(__dirname, './nbatis_config.json');
           this.factory = new SqlSessionFactory().createPool(configrationFilePath);
           this.session = await this.factory.openSession();
       catch(err) {
    * To test creating a table with the class.
   async createTable(next:Function) {
       const sql = DBUtil.createTableSQL(UserSQL);
       try {
           const res = await this.session.querySet(sql);
       catch(err) {
           await this.session.rollback();
    * To test the method queryGet.
   async getTableDesc(next:Function) {
       const sql = 'desc user_sql';
       try {
           const res = await this.session.queryGet(sql);
       catch(err) {
    * To test inserting random data in quantity.
   async batchInsert(next:Function) {
       const sql = DBUtil.batchInsertSQL(UserSQL, '', 10);
       try {
           const res = await this.session.querySet(sql);
           const assert = Assert.assertNotNull(res);
           next(res, assert);
       catch(err) {
    * To test getting a list of data
   async selectList(next:Function) {
           const params = {
           res = await this.session.selectList('UserSQL.list', params),
           assert = Assert.assertNotNull(res);
           next(res, assert);
       catch(err) {
    * To test getting a piece of data by id.
   async testSelectOne(next:Function){
           const params = {
               tableName: 'user_sql',
           const res = await this.session.selectOne('UserSQL.loadById', params);
       catch(err) {
    * To test updating a piece of data
   async update(next:Function){
           const params = {
               id: 1,
           res = await this.session.insert('UserSQL.updateById', params);
       catch(err) {
    * To test dynamic sql commands
   async pager(next:Function) {
           const params = {
               tableName: 'user_sql',
               where: '"%com"',     //String variables in dynamic SQL need to be quoted.
               order: 'desc'
           res = await this.session.selectList('UserSQL.pager', params);
       catch(err) {
    * To test deleting a piece of data
   async delete(next:Function){
           const res = await this.session.insert('UserSQL.deleteById', 10);
       catch(err) {
    * To test multiple sql commands in one transaction, the sql commands must be modify instructions of table.
   async insertAndUpdate(next:Function){
           const params = {
           res = await this.session.insert('UserSQL.insertAndUpdate', params);
       catch(err) {
    * To test delete a table with the class
   async dropTabel(next:Function) {
       const sql = DBUtil.dropTableSQL(UserSQL);
       let res:any;
       try {
           res = await this.session.querySet(sql);
       catch(err) {
       finally {
           if(this.session) {
               await this.session.release();
    * Test to close connection pool
   async endPool(next:Function) {
       let res:any;
       try {
           res = await this.factory.endPool();
       catch(err) {

Next we start configuring nbatis.

  • Fist, to create a configuration file named nbatis_config.json,of course you can name it anyother name.

The configuration items are here:

    "dataSource": {
        "host": "your database address",
        "user": "your username",
        "password": "your password",
        "database": "your database name",
        "connectionLimit": 5
    "mappers": {
        "UserSQL": "./user_mapper.json"
  • Second, creating mapper file called user_mapper.json. If you have multiple mapper files, you can put them in one folder.
  "list": {
    "parameterType": "object",
    "sql": "select * from user_sql limit ${start},${length}"
  "loadById": {
    "parameterType": "object",
    "sql": "select * from user_sql where id=${id}"
  "pager": {
    "parameterType": "object",
    "dynamic": true,
    "sql": "select * from user_sql <%if({{where}}){return 'where url like ${where}'}%> <%if({{orderKey}}&&{{order}}){return 'order by ${orderKey} ${order}';}%> <%if({{start}}&&{{pageSize}}){return 'limit ${start},${pageSize}';}%>"
  "updateById": {
    "parameterType": "object",
    "sql": "update user_sql set url=#{url} where id=#{id}"
  "deleteById": {
    "parameterType": "number",
    "sql": "delete from user_sql where id=#{id};"
  "insertAndUpdate": {
    "parameterType": "object",
    "sql": "insert into ${tableName} (username,password,gender,birthday,email,url) values (#{username},#{password},#{gender},#{birthday},#{email},#{url});update ${tableName} set password=#{updatePassword} where username=#{username}"
  • Attribute Description:
Property Description
parameterType Javascript basic data type: number, string, boolean, object; the type is string
dynamic Whether the SQL statement is dynamic, the type is boolean or undefined
sql SQL statements with variables, the type is string
  • Make sure the typescript configuration file tsconfig.json is generated before running.
tsc --init 
  • For now, you can run the unit test case.
ts-node ./TheTest.ts

If you set a path in the decorator TUnit, the tunit.log file will be generated at the end of the test under that path. The resulting log is written to the file as an addendum.

Common SQL

Description of non-dynamic SQL statements in mapper files

Symbol Description
${} The program will put ${} replaced with parameter values
#{} The program will put #{} replaced with ?, escaping-query-values

Dynamic SQL

You can write SQL statements as normal js syntax, allowing the SQL statements to produce different results as parameters.

Symbol Description
<%%> javascript code is included between symbols
{{params}} The SQL parameters that appear in the javascript statement are wrapped in {{}}

Multiple SQL

  • If you want to multiple operations in one transaction, you can join multiple sql commands with semi-colon.

All statements must be modify the statement for the table.

Here is a example:

"insert into ${tableName} (username,password,gender,birthday,email,url) values (#{username},#{password},#{gender},#{birthday},#{email},#{url});update ${tableName} set password=#{updatePassword} where username=#{username}"

Multiple SQL runs can also manipulate multiple tables.

Template SQL

  • The class SqlSessionTemplate is used here, which is SqlSessionFactory wrapper class. Its main function is to simplify the operation of getting session, session release. The user takes the session out of the template and does not care about about error fallback or session release.
import path from 'path';
import { BeforeClass,Test,AfterClass,TUnit,Assert } from 'tunit';
import { SqlSessionTemplate, DBUtil } from '../index';
import UserSQL from './UserSQL';
export default class TemplateTest {
    constructor() {
        this.template = null;
    async init(next:Function) {
        try {
            const configrationFilePath = path.join(__dirname, './nbatis_config.json');
            this.template = new SqlSessionTemplate(configrationFilePath);
        catch(err) {
    async createTable(next:Function) {
        const sql = DBUtil.createTableSQL(UserSQL);
        try {
            const res = await this.template.querySet(sql);
        catch(err) {
    async batchInsert(next:Function) {
        const sql = DBUtil.batchInsertSQL(UserSQL, '', 10);
        try {
            const res = await this.template.querySet(sql);
            const assert = Assert.assertNotNull(res);
            next(res, assert);
        catch(err) {
    async selectList(next:Function) {
            const params = {
            res = await this.template.selectList('UserSQL.list', params),
            assert = Assert.assertNotNull(res);
            next(res, assert);
        catch(err) {
    async insertAndUpdate(next:Function){
            const params = {
            res = await this.template.insert('UserSQL.insertAndUpdate', params);
        catch(err) {
    async dropTabel(next:Function) {
        const sql = DBUtil.dropTableSQL(UserSQL);
        let res:any;
        try {
            res = await this.template.querySet(sql);
        catch(err) {
    async endPool(next:Function) {
        try {
            const res = await this.template.getFactory().endPool();
        catch(err) {
  • Let's use TemplateTest.ts as an example and it looks a little bit like FactoryTest.ts. Each of these operations takes an session from the connection pool, and template automatically releases session when the operation is complete. In case FactoryTest, it does all the work in one session, and the developer needs to be concerned about fallback and release.

SqlSessionTemplate is recommended for practical development.




Each factory object corresponds to a link pool object.

  • Parameters configFilePath: The path to the configuration file.

  • Return factory object.

  • Return session.
  • Returns a singleton pool object.
  • Close pool.

[Session / SqlSessionTemplate]

async selectList(tag:string, params:any):Promise<any>
  • Parameters tag: The key of item in mapper file. params: Parameters to pass.

  • Return a list of data.

async selectOne(tag:string, params:any):Promise<any>
  • Parameters tag: The key of item in mapper file. params: Parameters to pass.

  • Return a piece of data.

async insert(tag:string, params:any):Promise<any>
async update(tag:string, params:any):Promise<any>
async delete(tag:string, params:any):Promise<any>
  • Parameters tag: The key of item in mapper file. params: Parameters to pass.

  • Return a list of state object.

async queryGet(sql:string):Promise<any>
  • Parameters sql: SQL statement

  • Return the query results.

async querySet(sql:string):Promise<any>
  • Parameters sql: SQL statement

  • Return a list of state object.


  • Return a factory object.


static createTableSQL(typeReference:any, tableName?:string):string
  • Parameters typeReference: Class. tableName: Table name.

  • Return sql statement.

static batchInsertSQL(typeReference:any, tableName?:string, dataNumber?:number):string
  • Parameters typeReference: Class. tableName: Table name. dataNumber: The amount of data inserted.

  • Return sql statement.

static dropTableSQL(params:any):string
  • Parameters params: Class or table name.

  • Return sql statement.

static randomString(tag:string, letterCase?:string, len?:number):string
  • Parameters tag: String content, 'w':alphanumeric; 'c':pure letters; 'd': pure numbers. letterCase: Case mark, 'l':lowercase; 'b':uppercase; 'm':case mixing. len: The length of string.

  • Return a random string.

static randomDateTimeString(startDate?:string, endDate?:string, returnFormat?:string):string
  • Parameters startDate: Start date, the default value is '1970-01-01'. endDate: End date, the default value is now. returnFormat: The length of string.

  • Returns the format of the datetime string, the format is 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'hh:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss'.

static randomValueFromList(dataList:Array<any>):string
  • Parameters dataList: A list.

  • Returns a random value in the array.

static randomEmail():string
  • Returns a random email.
static randomDomain(isSubDomain?:boolean):string
  • Parameters isSubDomain: Determines whether the sub-domain name is generated. if true return '' else ''

  • Returns a random domain name.

static birthdayToAge(birthday:string):number
  • Parameters birthday: Datetime string, the format is '1970-01-01'

  • Return age.

More specifications, in the building...


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