Play a sound in your NativeScript app.
John Bristowe has initially programmed this project. The starting point was Grey Laureckis (PR #9) fork that includes code from PR #8. Mathew Thompson's iOS 13.2 fix is also implemented. Nativescript-plugin-seed was used to move it from JS to TypeScript. The demo tested on iOS 13.3 Simulator and Android API 28 virtual device
npm i nativescript-forgm-sound --save
To use this plugin you must first import it:
import { Sound } from 'nativescript-forgm-sound';
Preload sound before playing it because there is a delay during creation due to the audio being processed.
const beep: Sound = new Sound('~/sounds/beep.wav');
// play the sound (i.e. tap event handler);
After release(), if you play(), the app should crash.
Sets volume, the volume should be limited from 0.0 to 1.0. fadeDuration in milliseconds only for iOS.
beep.setVolume(volume: number, fadeDuration?: number );